Funny (not really), that I had this conversation yesterday with a - TopicsExpress


Funny (not really), that I had this conversation yesterday with a young man looking to purchase a house. He didnt understand why I had such a strong-dislike for his hero Barry. I rolled my eyes, took a deep breath and sliently counted to ten before answering. I had to take into account hes a kid (twenty-something), and knows no better. After explaining, I was dumbfounded that he kinda got the point. Sadly, so many fail to comprehend the impact this failed administration will leave behind. The failures of responsibility will stretch into decades to come. As for the housing market, brace for impact. As Mr. Soetoro celebrates false-indications of a recovery, one must ponder the implications of his failures and subsequent expential rise in interest-rates. His sudden interest in Cuba would stand to reason...the only thing left is an artist rendereding of a new Tent-City. Only this time it will be the American working-class forced to reside in squalor as illegal-immgrants are proud homeowners. While I accept my views my offend some, I cannot accept the reality of forced-socialization. I find it comical that so many were quick to attack mine and so many others warnings, yet they have fell slient. Could it be youre now feeling the strain of your Golden-Calfs actions? I suppose there is truth in every empire guess is our time has come. BTW...I know we are a Republic; do you? Oh well, enjoy that Change while it lasts.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:16:41 +0000

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