Funny story of when I worked at the barn. It was mid week, I - TopicsExpress


Funny story of when I worked at the barn. It was mid week, I had been there all day, by myself, with hardly any business, then right at closing time a few people showed up. So, I am taking them back and this one girl says something about not stepping in the horse droppings in the hallway. So, I am thinking, Oh boy! especially when she gets back to the horses and tells me she is an experienced rider. I put her in the very back and put an older ex barrel racing woman in front. When we get back at the bottom of kudzu hill (this was when we went way back up against it) there was a rattlesnake cowled up on the trail. The dogs saw it first and that is what got it cowled. I stopped a good ways back and told everyone that we were going to get off the trail a little to bypass the snake and get right back on the trail after we got by it. We all did it, but the experienced rider in the back. her horse kept wanting to stay on the trail. I told her to turn the horses head toward us and kick. We were all stopped and waiting on her. She started whining and saying she couldnt. The ex barrel racer asked if I wanted her to go back and get her. I told her no, the girl said she could ride! (he he). After seeing the girl had no idea how to steer the horse, i yelled instructions again, and said, You TOLD me you could ride! All the time her horse is inching closer to the place where the rattler was. I remembered something Ricky Hicks had told me. That if the horses started bunching up and the people got all ripped out, just turn your horse to the bran and start walking and dont look back. They will fall in line and come on. So, I told the others to just follow me and we just left her! We hadnt gone 15 feet and I looked back and her horse was trotting to catch up with us, and didnt bother with getting on the trail where the snake was, she was trotting thru the weeds. I think it was after that that I started telling people to not tell me they were experienced if all they had done was watch Lonesome Dove a few times!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 21:46:56 +0000

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