Furiends, Happy furiday! I hope you have fun plans for the - TopicsExpress


Furiends, Happy furiday! I hope you have fun plans for the weekend! I plan to continue spending time with our new resident and enjoying the sun puddles with Comet. Nothing finer than a weekend spent with family and furiends! Today I am going to share a story of a very special dog with you. A dog with whom, sadly, I have much in common. Meet Jasper. Jasper was surrendered by owners and rescued by Providing for Paws of Michigan. Jaspers owner contacted Providing for Paws asking for help with medical care. They had no idea just how bad he was until they went to pick him up. He has been suffering from mange for a very long time. According to his owners, only two weeks, however PFP does not believe this has happened in such a short time frame. Owners were willing to surrender Jasper and once PFP found a foster placement two days later they went to get him. Despite treatment by their regular vet, Jasper became worse in just two days of seeing him. Once they got him to foster home, his breathing was labored, he was stumbling when walking with his emaciated body and his eye looked as if something had been eating at it the last two days. His eyes were bad two days prior, however not that bad. PFP decided to take him to the ER where he was found to be in shock, a temp of 105 and his body was completely shutting down. Initially, they believed it was scabies mange, Dr. Ruland has never seen mange bleed so badly before. He had dried up blood caked on every wound on his body, which is almost every where accept the top of his head and neck. He was in a great deal of pain. It was decided that Jasper would undergo surgery to treat the mange. His surgery was performed and after shaving him down and cleaning him up, it was discovered that Jasper had burns covering 60% of his body. Dr. Ruland stated that she was trying to find anything else this could be besides what she suspected, however after ruling out any kind of mange, autoimmune diseases, flea allergy and everything else, she has come to the decision that Jasper has a chemical burn. She is sending in a skin biopsy to confirm, however at this point, she does not believe this is from mange. Do to Dr. Rulands findings, PFP has contacted proper authorities of the matter and gave them all the information they have asked for right now. They will let the proper authorities do what they need to do with the information provided and PFP will be concentrate on getting Jasper back to good health. I will say, though it is mere speculation, it is suspected the owners used drain cleaner to treat Jaspers mange. Furiends, if that is true, I just cant even... The more I read about Providing for Paws, the more impressed I become. Not only do they take in animals for placement, seriously injured animals at that, they provide financial assistance to owners who cant afford much needed medical care for their animals. This, in turn, reduces the homeless pets in shelters. Detroit, I am told, is struggling in so many ways right now, and the hoomans of Detroit have been hit especially hard with financial woes. For an organization to continue to take on these cases is amazing and I wish I could give them headbonks in person! PFP could use our help in one of the following areas: 1. Hendricks Boards, an eco friendly clothing company, is donating $10 for every $10 raised for Jaspers care. hendrickboards/s/save-jasper-pfp 2. There is a riverwalk to raise funds for Jasper this Sunday. If you are in the Metro Detroit area, please consider attending the walk. If you arent in the area, but have furiends who are, please share so they may consider participating in the walk. 3. Share Jaspers story. Regardless of how he came to be chemically burned, it is tragic and infuriating that animals should have to suffer like this. If you see something, say something! Jasper, like me, has a chance at an awesome life because a wonderful rescue took a chance on him. Welcome to the best of your life, Jasper! May you only know peace, healing and love from this point forward! To see some of the other really great work Providing for Paws does, you can check them out here. Yours in relentless advocacy, Lucky >^.,.^< https://facebook/events/313013015527519
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 19:51:17 +0000

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