Fusion Verdict ARIES Pluto in Capricorn makes you want to - TopicsExpress


Fusion Verdict ARIES Pluto in Capricorn makes you want to forget about your troubles and get involved in things that give you happiness. Aries, the simple pleasures in life, like having a wonderful time with friends and family have always made you happy but you seldom find the time to indulge in them. But today you will be able to find the time and the resources as well for it. Todays moments of merriment will create memories you will cherish forever. 5 pm to 6.45 pm will be lucky for you, indicate astrologers. TAURAS Pluto in Capricorn finds you looking for inner peace and happiness. Today you will feel inward-looking and will spend some time reflecting on your core beliefs. Pursue these interests as they will bring you happiness and fulfillment inside. Make sure to visit a place of worship to show your devotion and give some charitable donation to someone in need. 4 pm to 5 pm is ideal for proposing your ideas to your seniors at work. Lilies will prove to be fortunate for you and placing them anywhere other than the north will bring mental peace, say astrologers. GEMINI As Pluto is in Capricorn, it causes you to feel a bit lethargic today. If you are not careful you are likely to miss some deadlines today, caution astrologers. Gemini, take this possibility into account, if you are working on any important documents such as an application for a job, school program or scholarship. Finish your documents early in case any problems crop up unexpectedly. Do not let the little obstacles that crop up on a day like today to get in the way of your goals. The best time to fill up any important documents or applications would be 2 pm to 3 pm. CANCER A family member may cause disappointment and create some frustrations for you today, predict astrologers. This can be attributed to the effects of Pluto in Capricorn. Cancer, you may feel the urge to really scold and punish them. Refraining from this punitive action and explaining your position clearly instead will ensure that your loved ones understand where they are wrong. It is important that you stay away from any arguments today, as the negative cosmic energies may compel you to act in a way that is uncharacteristic of you and offend your loved ones. Avoid 3 pm to 5 pm for scheduling any important meetings. LEO Dear Leo, when work takes a toll on you, you look for other avenues to cope with the mounting pressure, maintaining a fine balance between the various spheres of life. And today as Pluto moves into Capricorn, this aspect of your personality will come to the forefront, as you try to juggle the many responsibilities at work and at home. However, avoid crowding your mind with too many thoughts and give yourself a break. Spend some time with your close friends. One shouldnt expect too much from oneself; just relax and enjoy the time that you get to spend with your near and dear ones. According to astrologers 2 pm to 4 pm will be lucky for you. Some important news may come to you during this time. VIRGO You may remain tensed and agitated all day. You can blame it on Pluto in Capricorn that makes you confused and frustrated. You can come out of this present condition by being patient. Whatever the cause of this stress may be, try to just observe your emotions and not react to them very much. Problems will come and go; take them as lessons meant for self-improvement. Wear something in brown to combat the negative cosmic energies, advise astrologers. Be extra careful during 5 pm to 6 pm; you are most prone to making mistakes during this time. LIBRA Today you may feel very disturbed when you find out that some people you thought were your friends have been speaking negatively about you, indicates Pluto in Capricorn. Do not overreact to this situation and try to handle it in a calm manner. Speak to the individuals involved and find out why your relationship has deteriorated to this extent. You will be able to use your communication skills to remedy this situation. 5.45 pm to 6.30 pm is indicated to be a good time to get a loan or make investments. Wear something in dark blue for wealth and prosperity. SCORPIO You may not see eye to eye with someone in position of power today, owing to the negative influence of Pluto in Capricorn. Scorpio, your best bet lies in being tactful and diplomatic. You have to be articulate in trying to get your views across and losing your patience will not help in any way. Keep reminding yourself to be diplomatic, advice astrologers. Incorporate the color beige in your outfit to channel the positive energies of the transit. 2 pm to 4 pm is indicated to be lucky for you. SAGITTARIUS Today, you will see that activities on your social front are heating up, as Pluto is in Capricorn. Sagittarius, you may have been missing some long-lost friends and are anxious to catch up. You will enjoy spending time with your friends and the progress that is happening for you at work. You will also find that life at home for now is quite calm and peaceful. Today is a good day in the realm of your social and domestic life. You might want to take your friends out for dinner or maybe just invite them over at your place for some fun time. 6 pm to 8 pm will be your lucky time. Wear pink to get rid of any disturbing thoughts, advice astrologers. CAPRICORN Pluto in Capricorn might urge you to change your plans for the future. Capricorn, there might be another change of residence likely at this point. You are possibly going to learn today that you have to change your residence. Even if it comes as a surprise, do not worry; it will be a good change. A tiff with someone close might mess up your mind, but do not worry everything would be settled by the end of the day. Avoid yellow as it will be unlucky for you, advice astrologers. Schedule important work between 3 pm and 5 pm for best results. AQUARIUS You will enjoy a happy and tranquil day at home, indicates Pluto in Capricorn. You do not necessarily need to go out or spend money to have a good time. Sometimes, it is the small things in life which give you a lot of joy. Spend time with your partner or loved ones, preferably between 4.40 pm and 6.40 pm, chatting with them about life or just being there for each other, suggest astrologers. These moments will bring you a lot of joy. Career wise, number 17 will be extremely lucky for you, so try making use of this number wherever possible. PISCES If you have the need to reach out to a friend today, you will get the support you need, Pisces. Pluto in Capricorn has you feeling a little gloomy. Don`t feel shy in making that call for help for you can rely on them. Your closest relationships are based on trust and understanding and the support you give each other will only strengthen your bond. As easily as you offer assistance to your loved ones, they will give you help in return just as quickly. 5 pm to 6 pm is a good time for new endeavors. Incorporating the color orange will help you stay in a peaceful frame of mind, suggest astrologers.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 05:29:04 +0000

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