Future Predictions I just came up with, based on past ideas. I - TopicsExpress


Future Predictions I just came up with, based on past ideas. I believe that in the future, we will have developed an efficient way to generate electricity and power in general with out damaging the environment, probable from renewable sources, or possible from taking advantage of the laws of physics, in which to create a constant loop. I believe that house design will be able to change to suit the look we want sort of like transformer houses, and so style will be however we decide to have it that month or week, or even day. Everything will be stored on local servers, and so their will be local internet and world wide internet, this is so people can connect locally and connect to more powerful servers with out the need to have the latest graphics card. Basically so long as a computer had certain parts in it and a connect to local internet it could run as fast as the latest technology or should I say the latest tech in the local servers. Meaning everyone could have a fast computer at low cost, and eventually these would cost little to nothing, and the local servers would just be maintained and kept up to date. This would mean you could store your house format, move to a new house miles away and transform it in to your other house, meaning you could move a lot easier and have the home you wanted and see new areas with very little effort. Basically meaning you would not be stuck locally and could move a lot. Unless the area was full, but because of this people would move more. It would literally take less than an hour to pack everything and the travel time and then unpacking less than an hour. People would not really own property, but would get access rights, once a area was claimed for a family they would have sole rights to it till they moved, or something happened and they was asked to move, but since all the house format is saved on file, and the only real problem would be finding another nice area I dont think many people would have a problem with this. This would just make life easier. Most school classes would be done from the school room at home, and their would be holographic technology to allow any practical exercises meaning they could learn the theory as well quite easily. However this would mean social problems and so their would be a lot more social clubs that people would have to go to in order to not lose touch with what makes people human, where no technology would be in the room, just people talking to each other. Possible set in parks or nature reserves. I believe a lot more will not cost anything due to it being so easy to create in abundance, where as debates will decide what happens with rarer materials on earth, plus space vogues to get what we need. People will live more on the see using gyroscope technology to build floating islands, and we will also live on other planets. I wont give a time frame for this but 2100, would probable be a good estimate. Also some form of holographic technology will exist, and the ability to put a head set on and see 3d shapes in front of us and this would include a holographic computer or floating touch pad and so on with a algorithm to work out hand location and you get the idea basically a head set that allows us to see a hologram but to other people we will look like where doing some kind of random waves in the air with our hands. Also cars will be electric and many public transport services will be free provided by the government, and owning a car would only be useful for a visit to a race track, as to many accidents happen on open roads. And so this would be done to make transport safe, people could still get vehicles but not use them on roads only in places that specified. Like dirt bike tracks and race tracks. The whole point would be to make travel easier. A lot of things like taxes would be removed in the future, due to people generally learning to help each other with out the need for rewards in the sense of pieces of metal, and instead would understand the benefit of helping each other long term helps ones self. Plus people would have more power in government and so it would be daft to not help people and to expect a reward would seem strange. Like expecting a reward for breathing oxygen in. People would just learn to help each other more. Not slavery, but just understand that everyone was doing their best to the best for the planet and so to give someone more for being better at it would almost seem like a kick in the teeth, plus their would be mechanical suits and technology which would allow most people to keep up , and so again remove the advantage, long term we would all look stupid as technology advanced.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:15:35 +0000

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