Fwd Assalaamu alaykum Mft taqi bayan for ulama. Clapton - TopicsExpress


Fwd Assalaamu alaykum Mft taqi bayan for ulama. Clapton masjid. 29.11.2014 A few crucial points Ulamaa are always taalib ilm. Continue studying masaail and reading books Dont bother with people undermining them Use firaasat. Eg halal food . Did not permit ahle kitab food in the 1950s Know the local people, their problems , their mentality and thoughts and work towards its remedy. Master the local language. Written, spoken and reading Be united, especially between ulama with the quality of eethaar and humbleness. Even if it means acting upon a marjooh opinion for the sake of unity Assalaamu alaykum A summary of Hadhrat Mufti taqi uthmani sahibs session of advice with the ulama of London . Clapton masjid. 29.11.2014 4 points 1⃣ 📚 Ulamaa are always taalib ilm. Never consider yourself an Alim! Continue to study masaail, read books and research important topics. Mufti shafi Sahib RA would classify a student as: Someone whose mind is continually affixed to a certain issue/maslah Dont bother with people undermining the Ulama nor those who discredit them. If it wasnt for these simple folk seated on the strawmats (referring to the Ulama), the same critics wouldnt be in the healthy religious state they find themselves in today. An example of how they brought the public to this state: halal food. Mufti shafi sahib Did not permit the food of ahle kitaab in the 1950s, foreseeing an effort to bring up the halal food industry. If it wasnt for the continuous effort of the ulama, we wouldnt have all that we see around us ❗As a student and waarith of the Prophets, it is daroori to know the psychology and social culture of the local people, their problems, their mentality and thoughts and thereby work towards a remedy. كلم الناس على قدر عقولهم Master the local language, be it in its written or spoken form. و ما أرسلناك إلا بلسان قومه Hazrat mawlan Qasim nanowti RA, despite english being a taboo language to study during the British occupation, aspired to learn it so he could tackle western philosophy. 2⃣ 💞💚 Be united, especially between ulama. Hazrat haji imdadullah RA would say: two qualitys are necessary for unity: 1) eethaar (giving prefrence to others ) - two selfish & arrogant people cannot unite (for the others cause) 2) humbleness - two arrogant people cannot unite. ❗Even if it means acting upon a marjooh opinion in a mukhtalaf fih issue, for the sake of unity and attainment of the greater good! We should think that if my opinion is given prefrence over his, it will unite us. 3⃣ 🎓💰💔 Shaytaan will try and sell love for fame (hubb-e-jaah) and envy (Hasad) especially to the ulama. Do not buy. Dont be influenced and fooled by good praise nor try to earn it. We get hooked by laymen praises and then start to assume that we have something inside us. This is very dangerous ! (May Allah protect us all) ❗This trait generally (umuman) cannot be removed without keeping a spiritual connection with the saaliheen and saadiqeen, and sitting in their pious gatherings. يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وكونوا مع الصادقين (A muraaqabah/ meditation that will help to channel these desires from hadhrat Mufit Sahibs own Experience:) Think about your funeral, when people outside will praise you whilst you lie in your grave, at the mercy of the Angels of jahannam, being punished servely. (the peoples praises will not be of any assistance ) 4⃣ ⏰⏳ Lastly, especially for ulama: Value time. Use it wisely. Do not waste it in (futile)things. Wassalam Request for duaas
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:42:03 +0000

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