G. )Export. Shipping the goods and services out of the port of the - TopicsExpress


G. )Export. Shipping the goods and services out of the port of the country.. advantages of exporting :ownership are the firms specific assets, international experience and the ability to develop either low-cost or differentiated products within the contacts of a particular market are the combination of market potential and investment risks. Internationalization advantages are the benefits of retaining a core competence within the company and threading through the value chain rather than obtain to license, outsource, or sell it. IV-Conclusion/Recommendation We have many mistakes along the way. We have taken many big bump along our rocky road. Why? Because we are human. As humans some of us have fallen prey to greed corruption. Some of us have disregarded the good of our fellowmen. Some of us have given vent to our vices. Thus, we have brought disaster to our country. And because we are aso human, some of us have made honest mistakes. We have given the wrong advice to our leaders. We have placed to much faith in our opinions. We have failed to study thoroughly the circumstances we encountered along the way. We did not subject our assumptions to the close scrutiny of empirical evidence. We ignored the experiences of those who had gone before us. But As humans, we can be moved by an ideal, by a movement of our will towards what is good. Such an ideal, especially if it is founded on the very nature of man as a fallen creature redeemed by his Creator, make us turn away from our greed, from our corruption, from our vices. Most specifically, we need an ideal that once and for all banished nineteenth-century liberalism from our midst. We must throw unbridled laissez faire out of our system. It is not true that the common good can be obtained if every one to pursue his self interest independently. No good society has ever been, is and will be founded on the doctrine of selfishness. Everyone including the businessman must have live and act for others. This is the ideal that we badly need. Christianity gives it to us for the taking. As humans, we can use our most important faculty, the intellect, to correct our honest mistakes. We can be more thorough in our study and reflection; we can be more scientific in our approach; we can be less sure of our personal opinions. We can, in short, perfect our technocracy. Our mistakes in judgement should be no reason for everyone to downgrade technocracy. Our problem relates to both ideals and technocracy. We need idea to propel us to common desirable goal. We need technocracy to determine the means of achieving such a goal. It is up to each one of us to prove that as a human being, one can rise above his defects and weaknesses by a strong effort of his will, guided by his intellect and help by divine grace. It is up to each of us to prove that technocracy and ideals can blend harmoniously in a well-constituted individual, willing to dedicate his life to the service of others.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 08:39:43 +0000

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