G and I had an interesting Sunday beginning at church this - TopicsExpress


G and I had an interesting Sunday beginning at church this morning. At the conclusion of service a gentlemen sitting in front of G and I asked, if he could video G giving me at he command to pick up the leash and giving it to G. Not only did I get it at first command, but G as in turn gave me a second command to take the leash from his hand and give it to the gentleman who made the original request. After church G and I went to Shoppers Food Warehouse. It was at SFW that our day got real interesting. While cruising the isles at SFW we past a young man named Karl. While passing Karl I got a strange vibration and starter to whimper. G and I turned back in Karls direction he was standing dead pan motionless just looking down at me. I whimpered some more. Not normally one that whimpers G asked if there were something bothering me. I just kept looking at Karl. G asked Karl if he would like to meet me. Karls eye brightened and he replied yes please. G gave me permission to visit Karl. I went to Karl, sized him up In an instant and I laid down and curled up at Karls feet. G and Karl had quite a lengthy conversation. During Gs conversation with Karl we found out Karl was a combat retired soldier whos service dog had recently past away. G asked if he ...Karl, who suffers from PTSD was going to get another service dog. He replied, he didnt think so. He continued that though his dog helped him by sensing and helping him through on-going PTSD episodes there were many new troops that could benefit more from the love and support I am being trained to give. Karl told G and I what a great job we were doing and thanked us for helping his fellow troops. Later in the car G told me how proud he was of me for sensing Karls distress and for lying still at Karls feet while G and Karl had quite a conversation. G told me he hoped Karl would fine another service dog to keep eye on him and bring him love and comfort as only I could.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 02:18:40 +0000

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