G7 EVENTUAL EXODUS: WHY THE MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING? Among few television shows I generously give my time is Frank Edohos Who Wants To be a Millionaires. Not just necessarily for the general knowledge it facilitates but also because of the dramatic exits of the contestants, the negatiation intrigues involved and of course the suspense that animates the entire show. Now lets review the latest show involving the G7 governors. The question put across to them is What prospects do you people have in PDP in view of 2015?. You have three life lines: 50:50, Phone a friend and ask the Audience. We will be right back after the break dont go away. For couple of months now across the G7 states and the federal seat of power it has been a theater of absurd with either the G7 governors hauling insults and indictments on the federal government and the festal government reacting with equal proportion of clamp down and intimidation. And what do Nigerians do, ofcourse Nigerians have constituted themselves into some kind of Medieval Roman fans gathered to watch the gladiators decimate themselves. Two camps obviously exist.Either you are for Presidency (Spartacus) or G7 governors (Theokolos). And in much ado about nothing (yes I mean nothing because it holds little or no prospect for downstream Nigerians) Nigerians chant and cheer the absurd dramatist personaes that are on their own camp. Madness, absolute madness!. Yes like the gladiators fight it pays less to we the fans than savouring the intrigues and horrible politicking deploy by these dramatists. If it did pay more than I said I dare you to name just one sensible reason for supporting either of the camps.Sensible I mean in the sense of what prospect therein for Nigerian downstream citizens and what trackable metrics do you have to measure the prospect aside the fallacious blabbing: we want change. Lets get it straight. Nigerian polity is divided into two distant segments-the upstream money segment controlled by the ruling elites and the downstream traditional segment populated by middle and lower class Nigerians who indeed are the real drivers of the nations economy. What do these political gladiators do when they have a mess in their house they simply walk up to the balcony and shout out from their (through media propaganda ) and in a twinkle of an eye we gullible Nigerians constitutes ourselves into ready footsoldiers and take up a fight we have barely nothing to gain before,during and after. Worse still we execute the war with such fanatic disposition that even medieval Christian martyrs harpy employed in defence of their noble faith.We are really sick in this nation!. Do we get to know when they reconcile? Even if we get to know, we say its politics but who turns out the victim of such gladiatorial horn-locking is not within the province of our reflection. There is a chasm between the upstream segment of Nigerian populace dominated by ruling elites and their cronies AND the downstream segment where the real drivers of this nation economy is. The upstream is money sector while the downstream is filled with human capacities. Since he who pays the piper dictates the tune, hence that absurd efforts to get to the upstream so that you can savor the pride of shouting out from the balcony and footsoldiers will assemble to clean your mess. The situation is the same in the continent and not perculiar to Nigeria but we have to fix our own. The mess in the continent is a piece for another day. Still on upstream-down stream dichotomy, there are bridges that can connect the two in the spirit of egaliterianism but these bridges (education,health,commerce,and respect for rule of law) have been sabotaged by the balcony shouters. You ask me why? You should be smart to figure it out that class consciousness and appropriation of exclusivities has been the delight of ruling class. Ujamna was evolved by Nyerere to tackle this but it never worked. Moreso, the major stakes that constitute the foundation of the downstream segment-Agriculture, trade and commerce, economic machineries etc have not received genuine attention from the upstream, the best the upstream has done is pump money on interval basis and through corruption milk it away. Absurdity!. Welcome back to the show who wants to be a millionaire. Our guests remain the G7 governors. They have used their life lines. 50:50 (giving president options of removing Tukur and dumping his 2015 ambition), Phone a friend ( calling Obasanjo to help out) and ask the audience ( inciting Nigerians against President). The lifelines are gone and they WALK AWAY!. Why this piece?. Its just to see if we Nigerians can for once see how self destructive we are in taking plunge into a war that we have barely nothing to gain Before, During, and After. Who is progressive in this whole charade? Certainly neither the the PDP nor G7. We have been with them for close to a decade as public office holders. We know their level of patriotism, we know their antecedents. We simply dont know how to form a strong block to demand accountability from them nor do we know how to stay back when they shout from their balconies. We like making much ado about nothing. Celestine Chidozie Writes from Ibadan.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:00:23 +0000

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