GAMAL NKRUMAH TESTIFIES TO THE AUTHENTICITY OF DR. KWAME NKRUMAH’S CONAKRY LETTERS (Copied Unedited from Comrade Explo Nani-Kofi’s Timeline on Facebook) The Secretary of the Kilombo Project in Ghana, Comrade Lawrence Lamptey, on July 31, 2013, states in a comment on Comrade Explo Nani-Kofi’s facebook timeline that ‘Being alone in truth is better than having a multitude around you in deception.’ Gamal Nkrumah has testified to the authenticity of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s letters published in June Milne’s compilation ‘Kwame Nkrumah: The Conakry Years – His Life and Letters’. That book is popularly called ‘The Conakry Years’. Gamal is, however, not alone. Apart from Dr. Nkrumah’s pre-1944 published articles in American journals and his own books, the letters exhibit his most direct affirmation of the centrality of Marxist philosophy and science in his thought system. The evidence spans the entire political life of Dr. Nkrumah in both implicit and explicit terms. We contend that the very day Marxism crumbles as a philosophical system Dr. Nkrumah’s ideologico-philosophical system automatically collapses since it is based on the application of the former. There has been a consistent attempt to render Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s thought system bereft of its Marxist foundation and content. Some African-American racists parading the corridors of the Convention People’s Party orchestrate this avalanche. In their attempt, they confuse some youth of the party on the ideological and organizational content of Osagyefo’s thought system. As if that is not enough for them, they consistently deflect the party’s youth energy resources from concentrating on building the party up as a revolutionary organization on the basis of Dr. Nkrumah’s Marxist principles. Such deflection rather misdirects the youth’s attention to the absurd bourgeois constitutional strategy like the restoration of the late Dr. Kwame Nkrumah as the legal President of Ghana today. In case the decrees of the NLC, which recent governments have quietly flouted through their reluctant rehabilitation of Dr. Nkrumah, were invalidated today, would we have Dr. Nkrumah’s body resurrected to take his seat as President? Perhaps, they expect that in place of Dr. Nkrumah the CPP would be gloriously asked by the NDC & NPP neo-colonial adjuncts to imperialism to choose a revolutionary President from its ranks to replace the existing neo-colonial capitalist President just like that! Do they suggest that misdirected, shallow, lazy and cheap constitutional strategy as the quickest and most enduring way to re-establish the hegemony of the socialist direction of development in Ghana and Africa? What a devaluation of the seriousness of the revolutionary enterprise that Dr. Nkrumah bequeaths to us! Even, as a strategy to assume the neo-colonial Presidency it is definitively and seriously amateurish. What think they of the intelligence of continental Africans? Such nauseating arrogance! These African-Americans appear so far to have confused even some elderly persons in the party. We have been receiving invitations to assist in party education. The problem is that those inviting us appear not to be aware of our own concrete organizational pursuits. If we find time to assist younger comrades at the Freedom Centre it is because we’re free on Fridays. Otherwise, we are busy building a socialist collective agro-industrial co-operative as part of the core of a new socialist mode of production with its superstructure. They ignorantly devalue this as the ‘Mango Revolution’! These 21st century racist African-Americans, with a distorted imagery and a myopic sense of indispensability of their personhood in the African revolutionary process, make it their duty to discredit June Milne’s book ‘Kwame Nkrumah: The Conakry Years’ by the force of deception grounded in unfounded speculative allegations born of educated illiteracy directed at expunging and destroying the Marxist foundation of what is clearly not just Nkrumaism but holistically conceived as Marxism-Nkrumaism. All this is only because June Milne and Karl Marx are whites. American black racism! We provide a link below to show Mr. Gamal Nkrumah’s authentication of his father’s (Dr. Nkrumah’s) letters as published by June Milne in her book. We attach it to the previous discourse as APPENDIX 2. In that appendix, Comrade Explo Nani-Kofi illustrates Dr. Nkrumah’s Marxist affirmations. As for those African-Americans’ presumptuous philosophical gymnastics with Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s ‘Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for De-colonisation’, we shall deal with them in the course of time. We are currently putting their effusions together for proper demolition. In case anybody has an immediate interest in our thoughts on Consciencism they could get our book, ‘The Mind of Kwame Nkrumah: Manual for the Study of Consciencism’ free of charge in PDF format at consciencism.wordpress. Please, click the following link consciencism.wordpress/organise/facebook-discourse-on-the-convention-peoples-party-final-update-with-appendices/ to read the entire discourse in which Gamal intervenes and gives his testimony which he intentionally writes in capital letters thus: ‘THE ORIGINAL LETTERS ARE WITH JUNE MILNE (THOSE THAT WERE NOT PUBLISHED IN THE CONAKRY YEARS, THE OTHERS ARE DEPOSITED IN HOWARD UNIVERSITY, THE HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGE IN WASHINGTON DC... I PERSONALLY READ MUCH OF THE ORIGINAL MATERIAL WITH JUNE MILNE AND IT WAS A REVELATION FOR ME... SHE KINDLY LET ME READ THEM, BUT THE CHOICE OF WHAT TO PUT IN THE CONAKRY YEARS WAS ENTIRELY THAT OF JUNE MILNE... I AGREED WITH HER THAT SOME LETTERS WERE TOO PERSONAL FOR PUBLICATION AT THE TIME... FORWARD EVER ‘. Onward to the African Revolution! Lang T. K. A.Nubuor
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 11:26:32 +0000

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