GAMBIA CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL (GCC) WELCOMES CORDEG The GCC takes this opportunity to welcome the formation of CORDEG’s executive and to extend a gesture of goodwill and solidarity. GCC recognizes the immensity of the challenges of organizing and forming an entity of like-minded individuals and this success of overcoming that often acrimonious hurdle, is a test of the will of CORDEG. GCC is fully aware that CORDEG, like GCC, consists of tried and tested Gambians dedicated to the task of uprooting tyranny from theGambia. In this inevitable and noble task, CORDEG will always find in GCC, a willing partner always ready to share its resources in order to hasten the departure of the tyrannical regime in Gambia. At this juncture, GCC congratulates the entire CORDEG executive committee, and wishes to extend a special vote of confidence in the selection of Dr Abdoulaye Saine as head of the reconstituted organization. Dr Saine, has over the years proven himself to be engaged in the Gambian struggle and has thus left an undeniable credibility that appeals to a broad spectrum of Gambians. In conclusion, in recognition of the continued suffering of the Gambian people, one of the primary objectives of GCC is to seek objective cohesiveness and unity of purpose among the diverse Gambian dissident groups and political establishment at home and abroad, so that together, Gambians can create the necessary critical mass to help bring about rapid political change in the country. Signed GCC executi
Posted on: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 03:06:21 +0000

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