GAMING ON LOW END HARDWARE Every gamer whos restricted to a - TopicsExpress


GAMING ON LOW END HARDWARE Every gamer whos restricted to a lower-end device share the frustration of not being able to keep up with the current titles. Worse, inevitable, the question will be loudly asked: Where the hell are all the good games! Since Ive been facing this problem forever (my hardware is stuck in the 2000, so in my internet connection), Ive come up with some nice alternatives and yes, some awesome games. 1) Steam and Indie games. (store.steampowered) Steam is a game repository where you can download new and old titles alike. Were not interested in the latest shader heavy trends though. We definitely cannot run that. Indie games usually are much less resource hungry, and are often extremely original in their gameplay or storyline. A quick selection: - Portal 1 and 2 (First person puzzler with the best storyline ever) - Super Meat Boy (Hardcore platformer) - Bastion (Artsy hack and slash with top notch OST) - Limbo (Concept platform puzzler, dark. Very very dark) 2) Retro Gaming ( Running console games on a computer is called emulation. Even a 2012 MacBook Air can decently run Playstation 1 games, as well as all earlier systems. A great many websites provide everything you need in order to dive once again into California Games (Sega genesis), Super Punch Out (Snes) or Final Fantasy VII (PSX). The learning curve can be rather steep, especially with emulators such as MAME (arcade). But its well worth it, especially if you own a couple of gamepads. Im pretty happy with these 2 alternatives, maybe you have another?
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:45:15 +0000

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