GANGWARI OF GANYE; THE QUINTESSENCE OF ALTRUISTS. His Royal Highness the Gangwari of Ganye is a first class Chief in Adamawa State, his Chiefdom which comprises of Ganye, Jada and Toungo Local government area is predominantly dominated by Chamba speaking people, the Chambas apart from the name of the tribe, they call themselves “Sama” as their own identity. Gangwari of Ganye as a cosmopolitan who traverse the length and breadth of not only his country but the world at large, is a God fearing Traditional ruler who welcomes every peace loving stranger in his chiefdom, he embraces both the Muslims, Christians and the idol worshipers without any whiff of bias, he is a compassionate leader who promote the bonds of unity and brotherhood amongst the diverse people in his land, he discourages primordial sentiments and ethnic jingoism, and work for the peaceful coexistence of his chiefdom. Moreover, it is an acceptable fact that the role of the traditional rulers is limitless because they are the custodian of the society culture, norms, values and pride, they contribute enormously to a prosperous society. The unity, stability, peaceful coexistence, mutual understanding as well as nation building hinges not only on the shoulders of the government but also the traditional institutions, they are part and parcel for human development. While some of our royal Fathers turn their positions in to an avenue of humiliating their subjects, exhibiting injustice especially in settling the land dispute and also engaging themselves Nicodemously in politics with the sole aim of eliciting wealth from the politicians which defile their posture as peace makers and the custodians of the society culture and norms, there are some exceptional few who view their position as Royal Fathers from different angle; they take it as an avenue to champion the cause of helping the less privilege ones and maintaining lasting peace and justice in a society by extending their generosity to the vulnerable ones in their Chiefdoms. It is obvious and basic, that the success and the goodness of a leaders or Government will always be testified to by the people the rule or governs as they are regarded as witness in today’s court of public opinion. People of Ganye Chiefdom of Adamawa State are testifying good things about their first class chief the Gangwari of Ganye II Alh. Umaru Adamu Sanda (OON) who they described as a gregarious traditional leader, an altruist who always sacrifices all what he has to make the less privilege happy. Taking in to cognizance my discussion with both the youths and the elders of Ganye Chiefdom about the leadership of His Royal Highness the Gangwari of Ganye, these two groups maintained that, apart from the long lasting peace they enjoyed under the Traditional ruler ship of Alh. Umaru Adamu Sanda, he has been pre-occupied and obsess himself with a philanthropic activities which some of them are among the beneficiaries and is one of the factor that has tremendously endeared him to the good people of his Chiefdom. As an ardent supporter of education as a life time self actualization, the Gangwari of Ganye always encourages his people to go to school in order to be dovetail with the changes of the modern world, he assist his people morally and financially whenever the go to him for assistance, he is indeed a mithridate to the plight of the vulnerable ones in his Chiefdom. The Gangwari Ganye has made it a priority for given out succor to the vulnerable ones in his Chiefdom without regard to tribe, creed or religion. He has given out plenty food stuffs early this year to less privilege ones who are suffering from object poverty in his chiefdom. The Chief, apart from advising his masses on the importance of education, he always implore his people to be law abiding citizens to the Government authorities for peace without which no nation will develop. At this juncture, even the worse critics of the Ganye Chiefdom will admit that irrespective of the obstacle and challenges the chiefdom has been experiencing in terms of security, the Chiefdom has made a remarkable progress in maintaining peace. This progress would have been a mirage without the selfless positive contribution of our Traditional ruler His Royal Highness the Gangwari of Ganye who sacrifices everything to ensure the present level of peaceful coexistence in his Chiefdom. To this end, with all veneration and alacrity; it is my honor to make it clear to our Royal Father the Gangwari of Ganye that, we will continue to give him our unflinching support and remain loyal to him for the development and peaceful coexistence of Ganye Chiefdom and the nation as a whole. Long live Ganye traditional council, long live Gangwari of Ganye, long live Adamawa State and Nigeria at large. PHILIP BRANDFORD ADAMS
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:23:37 +0000

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