GARDENING IN OKLAHOMA 2013 has been so far a definite challenge to - TopicsExpress


GARDENING IN OKLAHOMA 2013 has been so far a definite challenge to anyone trying to raise a garden! Every year it seems presents it,s own unique problems of possible late freezes, and hail and high winds in early spring and then usually drought in the summer, but 2013 is proving to be a little tougher than normal even for Oklahoma! To begin with due to unseasonal freezes and frosts we had to plant over two times on some veggies and tomatoes were frost bit three times and this after planting everything at dates which should have been past frost danger. After finally getting everything planted and set out with less than two weeks of spring type weather it went from cool to Hot and this shortened the season of develppment for vegatables like corn, green beans, beets, tomatoes etc and the heat came before the plant had opportunity to mature and so harvest on some was and will be light. And then there came the grasshoppers by the multiplied millions and they seem determined to eat the leaves off the corn and even the leaves off okra-a plant which I always thought was nearly immune to bugs! If my pepper plants can produce without leaves then we may get a few more but right now they sure look peaked! I spray liquid seven nearly every day to try to keep the squash bugs from killing my melons, squash and cucumbers and the bugs seem to thrive on it even using professional strength liquid seven. Last but not least I have to contend with an abundence of gophers who like to eat the roots off my tomatoes and melons. Gophers definately do not play fair, if you water anything which is a must in this Sahara sand which we are trying to garden, those gophers are drawn to the moisture and the nice juicy tender roots. Nurture a plant with labor, water and fertilize get it looking good, go to bed get up the next morning and it may be wilted and dead! Now you all may think I am whining, and it probably sounds like it but I am simply saying that if anyone grows anything in Oklahoma they deserve some kind of medal and especially for the year 2013--There I feel better already!!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 03:20:17 +0000

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