GASLAND PART II: I recently saw this film and wanted to share my - TopicsExpress


GASLAND PART II: I recently saw this film and wanted to share my thoughts with my facebook community; this is a film that is an absolute must see that was just screened at our local theatre. Fracking or the practice of pushing toxic chemicals into our groundwater and ground in order to extract natural gas is an issue that transcends race, gender, socio-economic status, demographic region of America, blue collar or white collar, liberal or conservative, or party affiliation. It is about the practice of FRACKING, the way natural gas is extracted from the ground which causes great environmental degradation including complete contamination of groundwater supplies, wells, rivers, lakes, streams, and more. The film features the stories of everyday Americans in rural America whose water was polluted by fracking for natural gas and how their lives were irrevocably changed and quality of life degraded, including home values greatly depreciated or even worth nothing. It shows the coverup of EPA results and lack of enforcement of laws in local communities as influenced by large multinational corporations and it is HEARTBREAKING, shocking, and a scathing indictment of the practice of Natural Gas extraction through FRACKING. This film featured multiple, unbelievable violations of the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and Safe Drinking Water laws..the amount of chemicals released into our groundwater by this practice is unbelievable and also what happens to the health of the families who live on the land where this companies push themselves onto the land. Sad, poignant, harsh, and compelling in its portrayal of of this practice...I feel that it is absolutely essential to see this FILM...and...I really hope this never happens to anyone I love or myself who lives on or owns a piece of beautiful do not walk RUN to see this film now...and be ever vigilant in your community...To earn more about this issue and learn about the film please go to this website gaslandthemovie It will blow your mind....and is is HEARTBREAKING what happens to these families..The release of methane gas is a first class pollutant and is one of the truly undesirable, environmentally degrading effects of fracking..
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 00:40:35 +0000

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