GAY-LORDSHIPS GALVANIZED EVERYWHERE LIKE PARASITE WORLDWIDE! Matt.12:5; 2nd Timothy 3:1-9. To what do I call or compare the endtime generation? No wonder, GOD OODAYE ERREA D-CREATOR spoke through prophet Ezekiel in those days:As I listened, he said to the others,follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. Slaughter old men, young men and maidens, women and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary. So they began with the elders who were in front of the temple. Ezekiel 9:5-6. If we scan every nation, there is one to two Gay-Lordships, let alone of congregational followership of all age groups of 10% daily, weekly, monthly & yearly basis. And these Gay-Lordshipsare praying fervently for peace to reign in the world. How shall such prayers have answer from the CREATOR OODAYE ERREA? These Gay-Lordshipsclaim the holy of hollies/righteous of righteousness and curningly lure their countries/continent Rulers/ Leaders/Judiciary arm of Govt to promolgate laws to legalize the Sodomy/Gomorahic abominable act. They go the extra mile of trying to sanction countries that enact anti-gay-marriage/acts laws. Whao! They even take Boro-movement.i.e. Gaydar into the media. What an act of insubordinationat this endtime! Theyve gone completely gaga! This was why prophet Isaiah said, all the righteousness of man is like a filty-rag before the MOST HIGH ELEDUA. This poisionious and dreadful satan-olumessiah & evolutions invitting-gay pride act must be eradicated right from the temple/ papacy/papazealots; I mean the so-called servants/men & women, ladies of God worldwide else you wont escape the wrath of God as earlier said by prophet Ezekiel and enchoed by Apostle John in his books of Revelations. Howbeit, for the Glory of GOD OODAYE ERREA and New World Majesty Judah Blessed & Esteem Perpetual Reign-Authority! AJAGORAH D-HOLY SPIRIT OF TRUTH who is the RIDER ON THE WHITE HORSE is the ONLY ACCREDITED PERSONALITY that treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty OODAYE ERREA D-Creator and as such whosoever irrespective of sectorial beliefs, colour, race, position of authority, spiritual divine call/commitments, etc that receive the SEAL of God from Him and follow HIM-CAHSTWG that will escape the endtime inevitable tribulations. Rev.19:11-16. Infact, he or she will live a happier, healthy, wealthy, peaceful and enjoyable living on this planet earth before reigning with Jesus Christ d-Yeshua and COMFORTER AJAGORAH AT MARASATIH ETERNAL REIGN KINGDOM perpetually. Luke 12:4-5. All peace. Stay tuned
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:51:59 +0000

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