GAZA.IS CALLING FOR UNITY... Sitting in my cosy bed, sipping Noan - TopicsExpress


GAZA.IS CALLING FOR UNITY... Sitting in my cosy bed, sipping Noan Chai ( namkeen tea) with Finni after Tareweh & surfing social networking sites. i see GAZA,GAZAA & GAAZAA!!! everywhere, which i find sentimental in nature and lyrical in style.My head starts to wobble & think, what is Gaza? How is it related to me? Why do i get pained,when gaza is in turmoi?Are my loved ones living there? The answer is a big NO.... Then why am i restless when Gazians are killed?Why does my blood boil when they are bombed? why do i feel depressed & helpless whn they are denied their basic rights?... The truth is that, i feel i the same manner as do they, whn a small boy is murdered i feel as my own brother has lost his life, i feel the pain of mothers crying on the corpuses of her children, i feel the pain of the father carrying the coffin of his breadwinner on hiz old shoulders,,,, But why do i feel so being so far!!!! The fact is tbat we belong to a single community, the world calls MUSLIMS.. The word ISLAM connects us from the cold regions of Siberia to hot deserts of Africa, from islands of Greenland to falkland islands, from tigris&Euphrates to indus @ Ganga, from Nile to Zambezi, we feel as one entity because our Allah is one, our Prophet(saw) is one,our Book is one,our Kabba is one & our KIBLA is one!! we dont differ due to race,caste,creed or region, an Arab or an Ajam,a black or white, Negro or a Hispanic, a mongoloid or an indian, all represent a single community THE UMMAH.. Being such a vast civilization, why are we subjugated, slaved,massacred,killed, terrorized etc,, it is because we have left the path of Allah and his messenger (saw)..we have takenvthis materialistic world so serious that we forget we have to stand again infront of our creator on the day of ressurection. worldly pleasures & comforts havd replaced our struggle for righteousness.. so we stand divided. Every now & then Almighty gives us chances to unite but everytime our selfish goals n material thirst prevents us from being one..The latest such chance is the Zoinist agression on innocent palestinian muslims. The holocaust these zoinest jews faced in Germany at the hands of Hitler have been transfered on Gazians. The ruptured limbs, the headless bodies , the lying pieces of human flesh are now a everyday story on the streets of Gaza. residential houses , hospitals & schools are being bombered, civilians are being killed womens widowed n childrens orphaned... The whole world is watching this pogrom like a mute supectator with zoinist christian as well as jewish enjoying it with pleasure.The so called UN seems to pay no heed to this agression instead blaming the victims and victimized. Time is ripe for OIC (organisation of islamic conference), a colleguim of all the muslim countries of the world, to come forward n take the initiative to build a powerful n effective platform for muslims of the world. Let these leaders show unity at this juncture n challenge the zoinist isreal which is of the size of grain as compared to the muslim ummah,, Let all the muslim countries come forward . set a new constitution based on the teachings of quran n sunnah n declare all muslim nations as one & any agression on one is agression on all. Lets show to west that we ca. live without your support and dictatorship in transquility. Though at present it seems very difficult but history bears witness to the fact that we are the ones who had in our ranks warriors like TARIQ BI. ZIYAD &Rulers like SULTAN SALAHUDDIN AYOUBI, who conquered vast lands with their courage and mastery.. Our mothers still give birth to sons like Mohammad Bin qasim who conqeured Hind at the age of 13 , Khalid bin walid, Hassan-al- bannah,Maulana mawdudi, Dr, Iqbal, syed qutb and many more, who fought tirelessly for the glory of islam.. Though at present we have placed worthless rulers at helm but if history serves as a guide it doesnt take us much to bring them down on their knees subjected we come back towards Allah & follow his guided path , then we can take on whole world Israel being a very minute part of it, May Allah grant us strength to rise up to the occasion & liberate our brotheren who are under tyranny be it in Gaza, Afganistan,Burma, India or else where,, AIMEEN YA RABUL ALIMEEN.... (the writer is a student of contemporary politics with special intrest in middle east conflicts, u can post ur views here or @ rajamuzamil786@gmail)..
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 07:51:11 +0000

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