GBOTA HYPOCRICY Re the actions of E.O. MR Brenton Scott and - TopicsExpress


GBOTA HYPOCRICY Re the actions of E.O. MR Brenton Scott and Director Mr Gary Smith a complaint from Cessnock Branch Chairperson about their conduct at the Bi-Annual meeting at Maitland Leagues Club and their behavior has gone unaddressed! Yet every member is held accountable for their actions. This dictatorship has made a mockery of their own code of conduct - rules and regulations HIGHLIGHTS THE HYPOCRICY and these dictators have the hide to charge Mr Whitelaw with misconduct and appear before the board under clause 24 of the Associations Constitution . The following is the reply forwarded to Mr Jeff Jaeger re his complaint from chairperson ROSE... "I can advise that the matter was enquired in to fully at the directors meeting of 22nd june 2013" Directors evaluation took place INDEPENDENT OF THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER, although he was requested to provide his view of events. Evidence was taken from directors in attendance, but no members at the bi-annual, Whilst several aspects of the behavior at the bi-annual where not acceptable and no doubt regrettable by those involved, Mr Scott and Mr Smith is not viewed as having a case to answer ? BUT Mr Smith moved that Mr Whitelaw does. This dictatorship highlights the HYPOCRIY OF IT ALL! its a total sham as X director Jenny Green once quoted " EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY" end of quote ! T.C
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 10:24:32 +0000

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