GBU by Gems - Black Company - first timer The Good Friendly - TopicsExpress


GBU by Gems - Black Company - first timer The Good Friendly staff, refs (bar one) and players Atmospheric camps and paths Shops -esp the Darkblade crew - you guys were awesome!! Battle on monday was a lot of fun! Got to kick some butt and still stay alive. Camping IC and the fear of getting back to bed before time out was truly terrifying some nights. This resulted in me staying at the tavern longer than intended and enjoying more RP time. Also the smoke / rain combo added to the epicness of mondays battle. Thanks for that :) The kindess of people explaining calls if i missed it during battle (im partially deaf). The Bad Rain (blah blah, obligatory rain rant)... honestly though, rain doesnt bother me. Rain came on the last day and though it was a lot of it, better on monday than friday honestly. Plus it seriously added to the immersion of the monday battle. Being yelled at badly by 6 players for not crawling during my battle monster slot on sunday. I had been hit in the knee with an arrow (seriously :) ) just the once and had no more damage to the leg before that. Hey I had more than enough hits left!... but due to six people screeching at me, while following me closely, i just fell into a fetal position and let them kill me. Really, people should assume if a monster doesnt go down from one hit that they have more hits available. First and only time I felt scared for my own safety all weekend... screaming CRAWL... CRAWLLLL.. angrily in an OC way was worrying. All in all this was due to my own confusion and lack of experience. I could have yelled back that I had more points than 1 in each location but wanted to try and stay in character. I shall learn from this and become more ballsy in future. :D The Ugly Refs explaining monster stats too quickly when reading from a list. I get that there are a lot of people with experience with CP and with LRPing, but there are those of us that need things to be a tad slower with the read outs. (esp if theres deafness about). On the four hour monster slot on sat, I was able to ask refs around me to explain again as it was a smaller group. On the battle on sunday I wasnt able to as they quickly walked off. Overall, I felt confused a lot of the weekend and if it wasnt for my friends I would have been left in that state for most of the weekend. Another Ugly thing was the OC torches used by players at night along the paths and the blue LED lights near the college by the path. Bye bye night vision :< Conclusion Had a wonderful weekend and will def be coming back again :D Ill make a point to refs before they start reading that i need them to be a tad slower and louder so i can pick up what they are saying, even if this means i have to yell it out from the fourth row back! They cant know if i dont say! :) I need to grow more ballsy and not allow myself to be overwhelmed too easily by yelling peeps. This will come with time and confidence in monster and IC abilities. Im putting sunday down to me probably missing half the plot at battle time. Like I didnt have a clue who the brown faced guys were or why we (red faced) didnt like them really, nor they us. Wasnt sure either why we (monsters) were ok getting flanked and letting it happen. I got that there was an honour system though, but letting ourselves get encircled... Monsters dont have common sense i guess? :) But yeah, i put down my lack of enjoyment mostly due to me not being used to not having a clue whats going on. Other than that, it was fun to taunt (in an honourable way) the PCs into fighting. Yay! I liked the rain, but glad it wasnt raining all weekend... that would have been bad xD
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:58:10 +0000

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