GD FIG / GAP II Event information: To: All unit commanders - TopicsExpress


GD FIG / GAP II Event information: To: All unit commanders From: W2HPG Inc. Bob Lawrence President Subject: Update information GAPII March 20-23, 2014 I would like to thank all who attended this year and despite a few setbacks, of which not of our making, you all came thru and we managed to pull another great battle off. Special thanks to Tim Learman and his staff for outstanding leadership on the Allied side. Our paperwork has been submitted to FIG and we requested that since the base has become busier that they choose the date for our event. The date they said they had nothing planned in our training areas is March 20-23, 2014. So as of this writing this will be the date, of course like last year the base did change it on us more than once which is the reason why I told them to choose the date. I do hope this does not interfere with your plans for next year which is one reason why we are putting this memo out months in advance. UPDATES: Ammo Storage: We feel the easiness of the ammo check in, storage and distribution went particularly well and we will be doing the same once again. UPDATE if you bring your own large ammo box for storage we will store it along with all of the other ammo placing one person’s name and barracks # on the box for easy storage and retrieval. UPDATE if you pick up ammo for another member in your group please let them know so we do not go crazy looking for ammo that has already been picked up. All ammo will then be placed in our secure and locked trailer then is drive about 10 miles away to be secured in forts designated secure area. We will then pick up the ammo and bring it back to registration for everyone to retrieve. Picking you ammo up will be no earlier than 06:30 AM both Friday and Saturday morning. Housing: UPDATE we are assuming we will be back in Area-13 we have not been give our housing assignments yet. As you know they ask that we do not move any of the furniture around and to protect the floors from hobnails. So we ask all those wearing hobnailed boots to remove them while inside the barracks. You are not allowed to put anything on the walls please do not use tape, tacks, staples or nails. Food: UPDATE Due to cost and expense increases we have to eliminate the Saturday evening meal but we will continue to offer “Coffee and Donuts” both Friday and Saturday morning prior to the beginning of the battles. We chose to eliminate the meal to keep the entrance fees the same as last year and to still offer stipends for vehicles. AXIS Battle Commander: UPDATE we are looking for a new Overall Axis Battle commander. If anyone wishes to hold this position pleases contact Bob Lawrence [email protected] a.s.a.p.. We are also looking for a few additional German units that are as I always say “In the same hobby as us”. Please send me any recommendations. This is just a quick update please get this out to your men as soon as you can so we can plan for another GAPII event for 2014 more info, waivers etc. will becoming soon. Yours in reenacting Bob Lawrence President W2HPG Inc. 501c3 Hauptmann Großdeutschland 7te Kompanie
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 22:05:35 +0000

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