GEJ WAS NEVER. BOOED BY OAU STUDENTS. (SHAME ON APC AND THEIR PROPAGANDA) Akanfe Olugbenga Diamond wrote: AS RELATED TO NEWS BY THE APC CYBERDOGS THAT JONATHAN WAS BOOED IN OAU TODAY Prior to the fake news spreading on the social media by the APC cyberdogs that the President Jonathan was booed by the students of OAU today. I wish to tell the whole house that their is no iota of truth in the story. Though, there was an arrangement on ground for a peace protest to be headed by the students union leaders about the increase in School fee by the management whereby several placard has been written like Bring Back Our School fee, We are sponsored to School by poor parents that cannot afford #79,000. But to our surprise the President ordered that in such a programme holding in acamedics environment, their must be a representative of the student to address and present the request of the students to the dignataries at the event. The commotion started when the Student Union President Com. Ibikunle Isaac Motunrayo wanted to go in to the Oduduwa Hall to speak on behalf of the students and almost everybody against this as we all know that Com. Ibikunle is no longer the President of the student Union but the President of the Management because he is working in favour of the management and if he allowed to enter, seeing the VC on ground he will not speak the mind of the students and he was booed to the extent that some top personalities even the traditional rulers came out of the hall to interfere to the matter but the students insisted that Com. Ibikunle must not allow to enter for he will not speak in favour of us. We are on the stand that Com. Asaro(the Clerk to the house) should allow to enter as he will speak the mind of the students. Since their is no unity on who to speak for us on behalf of the students, that make us to forfeit the golden opportunity. When the programme came to and end, and the President Jonathan, Gov.Fayose, Sen.Omisore, Chief Bode George, Gbenga Daniel, Obanikoro, Hon. Adejare Bello,etc came out of the hall, almost every students who was there (Including me) brought out our phone to snap him until when he reached the. University Sport Complex for departure by choper. So, about the whole story now has their being anywhere that President Jonathan was booed as claimed by APC and their propaganda site called Pulse? And if any APC cyberdogs that bold enough wanted to quote me wrong, he/she should come and meet me at the Student Union Building tomorrow to tell us where and when GEJ was booed.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 06:23:08 +0000

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