GENDER DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN IN NOLLYWOOD Who is actually discriminating against women? Is it the men or is it the women discriminating against themselves? Before you answer, read the statistics from the Screenwriters Guild of UK. We may not have noticed this in Nigeria but it has already become an issue to some people, people that believe in Data collections and Statistics. The above mentioned guild, having followed and understudied Nollywood for six years (AS THEY SAID), noticed that women are not heavily involved in the technical department of filmmaking in Nollywood. According to them, technical department of filmmaking in Nigeria is dominated by men, and to then, this is worrisome. On the strength of their finding, they decided to finance a trip to Nigeria, unknown to anyone of us in Nigeria, to find out why women are not represented heavily in the technical department. Randomly, the team of researchers questioned one thousand women in Lagos, Abuja, Calabar and Enugu and to their shock, more than 90% of the questioned women said they would rather pay for films made by men, than the ones made by their fellow women. That is to say, these women believe their fellow women cannot make films, what an irony! They further questioned seven hundred men on the same topic and almost 100% of these men said they are not bothered who made a film. They are ready to pay for the film as long as the film is good. From the above, one readily deduces that something is still fundamentally wrong with the orientation of our women as it concerns believing truly in themselves, to the intent that ANYTHING A MAN CAN DO, A WOMAN CAN DO EVEN BETTER. From this mind boggling statistics, I can say that WOMEN ARE THE ONES DISCRIMINATING AGAINST THEMSELVES, not the men. Why do women find it difficult to absolutely believe in themselves in our part of the world?
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 15:17:56 +0000

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