GENERAL SCIENCE: Mankind...Weakest Species on the - TopicsExpress


GENERAL SCIENCE: Mankind...Weakest Species on the Planet!!! Many of us often look at our greatest athletes with passionate adoration and even pay billions of dollars each year to see them perform, which allows athletes to “earn” multi-million dollar salaries that most of us can only dream about. However, if you look realistically at the physical strength of the human species (when compared to other species in nature), you will find we are one of the most: “Weakest Species on the Planet!!!” We only make ourselves appear strong, because we only compare ourselves with ourselves. Let’s take our fastest track athletes as an example. What track star would be foolish enough to try and outrun a greyhound dog......or a thoroughbred horse......or a grizzly bear (“believe it or not”, big, bulky bears can outrun a horse!!!)??? And NO track star would even dream of trying to outrun a lion, a jaguar, or cheetah. Indeed, it would be a waste of time for most track stars to even try and outrun a cute little bunny rabbit!!! And which of our All-Star Boxers (or Wrestlers) would be foolish enough to get in a ring with an orangutan or guerilla (of equal size and weight)??? These primates can literally pull a man’s arm out of his socket (......making it very difficult for our All-Star Boxers/Wrestlers, would it not???). We should also include how pale our physical senses are when compared to other species. For example the sense of smell of such animals as deer’s and bears to literally smell human miles away is truly amazing (we cant even smell another human thats across the matter how strong his stench may be). Dogs should also be included in this group of amazing sniffers as their sense of smell are in the range of 10,000 to 1 million stronger than ours. The keen eyesight of eagles (spotting field mice from high in the air) or keen hearing abilities of artic wolves (detecting mice movement deep under the snow) are other examples of superior senses to man. And if we make relative size comparisons FAIRLY (in other words DONT assume an ant is weak because you can squash him with your “little pinky”) then you will have to conclude the insect species are literally “Super Human”. An ant can lift up to 50 times its weight, a feat any weight-lifter can only dream about (...most men are considered strong if they could lift ONE times their own weight). And if you think that’s strong, how about a rhinoceros beetle which can lift 850 times its weight!!! And any broad-jumper would LOVE to possess the leaping skills of a tiny flea. A flea can leap up to 150 times its height (while accelerating faster than the launch of a rocket ship, I might add). This is equivalent to a six-foot man leaping an incredible 750ft. into the air!!! Of course we know a man is considered a good broad jumper if he could even leap his own height (i.e. 6ft. man leaping 6ft. in the air). As long as we are making relative size comparisons FAIRLY then let’s also include micro-organisms. Next time you are near a Guinness Book of World Records, try looking up Deinococcus radiodurans under World’s Most Strongest Micro-Organism. These “Extremophiles” are so tough, they have been found to thrive inside of nuclear reactors. They survive in boiling hot water. They survive in acid, extreme cold and dehydration. They are even known to survive in outer space!!! If you were able to survive under these extreme conditions, would you NOT be considered Super Human??? Even when comparing how powerful one country is to another, we are NOT truly referring to man’s physical strength. America is NOT a Super Power because other countries are admiring how buff our soldiers are, thinking: Ohhh...look at them biceps...look at them triceps on them American soldiers!!! It doesn’t even have to do with the number of soldiers we possess (e.g. “The War on Terrorists” is an example of how a small group of soldiers are willing to take on a large group of soldiers). No My Fellow Readers, we are the undisputed World Super Power for one reason only......and that’s because our science and technology has evolved to such a degree, no other country can compete with our results. Herein lays the TRUE reason that makes man the undisputed dominate species on this planet. It is the ability of our MINDS to understand our world and universe around us that makes man so unique. Just think, out of the millions upon millions of species (perhaps trillions if you include all past species), we are the only ones that can build space ships, build computers, build skyscrapers, etc., etc. Not even the species we tend to call “intelligent” (e.g. dolphins, chimpanzees, etc.) can come close to this. It’s like winning an unbelievably HUGE JACKPOT (...if we only take the time to realize this). I believe as Albert Einstein believed that: “The greatest thing in the universe is that it reveals itself for us to understand”.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 01:01:04 +0000

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