GENERAL WORD OF ADVICE TO BOTH PARTIES: (not defending or - TopicsExpress


GENERAL WORD OF ADVICE TO BOTH PARTIES: (not defending or accusing either one, cause I dont know them enough.) My first thought is that you should NOT meet or talk 1-on-1 ever w/out a 3rd party there. You need someone there to verify both parties act appropriately & be the witness for you both so there are no more misunderstood situations. Private contact between you should cease! The chosen 3rd party (pastor? counselor?) should be forwarded all communications so he/she can see the whole situation. Secondly, putting your number & saying ppl can call you invites others into this & it should be handled privately. If the 3rd party decides that Dean has not acted innapropriately then Kathryns post should be taken down, though she did not name him in it...he outed his own identity. If Kathryn chooses not to discuss this at all with Dean, that is her choice & Dean should respect that & drop the subject. It appears Kathryn & her post are already gone & its unfortunate that she felt she needed to leave. I look forward to meeting her some day. Advise over & Im out of this. I pray for you both to fix this in a Godly & careful manner & for the group to not accept accusations without evidence & just step aside & let them handle this. Be blessed!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:52:51 +0000

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