GENTLE ANSWER TURNS AWAY WRATH, BUT A HARSH WORD STIRS UP ANGER. ( PROVERBS 15:1* NIV ) Dear Friends and Family, We all become angry sometimes with the words or actions of another. When we do it is important that we do not respond to them with words of anger. For it is written; HE WHO GUARDS HIS MOUTH AND HIS TONGUE KEEPS HIMSELF FROM CALAMITY, and oh how true that is indeed! ( PROVERBS 21:23 ) The Apostle Paul wrote; DO NOT LET ANY UNWHOLESOME TALK COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTHS, BUT ONLY WHAT IS HELPFUL FOR BUILDING OTHERS UP ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS, THAT IT MAY BENEFIT THOSE WHO LISTEN. ( EPHESIANS 4:29 ) Further, James the half brother of Jesus wrote; OUT OF THE SAME MOUTH COME PRAISE AND CURSING. MY BROTHERS, THIS SHOULD NOT BE. ( JAMES 3:10 ) After all; PLEASANT WORDS ARE A HONEYCOMB, SWEET TO THE SOUL AND HEALING TO THE BONES. ( PROVERBS 16:24 ) So keep your words soft, sweet and pleasing to our Heavenly Father. After all He hears every word that we say! So just as King David did, remember these words when someone angers you. Then next time before your anger can take control, recite them in your mind. MAY THE WORDS OF MY MOUTH AND THE MEDITATION OF MY HEART BE PLEASING IN YOUR SIGHT, O LORD, MY ROCK AND MY REDEEMER. Amen. ( PSALM 19:14 ) Gods Minute
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:24:01 +0000

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