GEORGE ESSIEN INSPIRATIONALS 214 HOW TO GET THE BEST OF THIS WEEK I just discovered 5 things this week will OFFER you. Mind if I share them with you? Of course I will.This week offers you the following. 1.OPPORTUNITY. The opportunity to FAIL and to SUCCEED! The opportunity to try something new,to begin again intelligently, to set goals and achieve them, to meet someone new.The opportunity to develop yourself and grow. The opportunity to reconnect with your loved one or loved ones. Gods best gifts to us are not necessarily things; Gods best gift to us come as opportunities. And opportunities may come disguised as challenges or adversity. Here is what you should do this week: EMBRACE OPPORTUNITIES. 2.HOPE. This week offers you hope. It doesnt matter how bad last week was , this week begins with a fresh clean slate. Yes you may have failed last week, someone may have broken your heart last week but hopeful you may find the person of your dreams this week.Yes, it rained all through last week but the sun will surely shine this week. Have HOPE.Dare to dream. Expect good this week. As long as you are living, there is really hope for you. A living dog is better than a dead lion. 3.CHALLENGES. This week will offer you loads of challenges. When God wants to begin a beautiful thing, he starts with a challenge. He throws challenges at those he loves. FACE your challenges. Dont run away from problems this week. Money is the reward for solving these problems. 4.DISTRACTIONS. This week will test your focus. This week will offer you alternatives. Perhaps you started some project last week, your week will offer you alternatives. But you must remember that the immature minds hop from project to project but the mature mind seeks to follow through. The second major reason people fail is broken focus. But if you focus on your focus you will become a focus. So STAY FOCUSED.Follow through all your projects this week. 5. CONGRATULATIONS. If you EMBRACE OPPORTUNITIES,HAVE HOPES,FACE YOUR CHALLENGES, AND STAY FOCUSED this week will reward you with congratulations. I see you celebrating success at the end of the week. All the best! georgeessien
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 13:25:01 +0000

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