GEORGE ESSIEN INSPIRATIONALS 221 HOW TO SPEAK EFFECTIVELY IN ANY PUBLIC FUNCTION We are all impressed by sensational speakers. Aren’t we? We admire their grip on the audience. How they hold attention. We are impressed by their charm. Their humour. Their compeling body language. We even wish we could speak and entertain people like them. Guess what? You can! You can dazzle any audience. You can deliver a mesmerizing presentation. You can have a standing ovation. Yes, you can. Here is where it all begins: Believe you can. Realize that speaking is not just a gift, it is a skill. Speakers are both born and made. Effective speaking is daily. It is not a natural experience. Second, Faith is what you need: faith in yourself and faith in your subject matter. Faith facilitates effective speech delivery. Confidence convinces. Now, how do you get this confidence, this faith? Simple. You get it by going for knowledge. Product or subject knowledge births confidence. Make sure that you have done sufficient research on the matter you are to discuss. Read the books. Surf the web for information. Listen to audio programs. Search the news papers. Look up the magazines. Collect them. File them. Prepare to use them. A prepared person is a confident speaker. A prepared speaker rarely has stage fright. Many times, stage fright is for the unprepared. Third, is to rehearse. Rehearse in front of the mirror. Rehearse in front of your loved ones. Practice your lines. Do it again and again. Think of your intro. How do you want to start? Should you begin with a story? A personal story relating to the subject matter, perhaps. How do you want to tell the story? What method of suspense would you want to use? Or do you want to start with a quote from a powerful and famous person. Or a joke? Your intro shows how prepared you are. One rule is never to start with an apology. Don’t start dull or low tuned. Start with a bang. Project your voice. You never have a second chance to make a first impression. Your intro is often a revelation of your preparation. It tells the audience that you are ready. It tells them that you have confidence. It prepares them for your presentation proper. Forth,Your dressing does something too. It can add to your confidence . It is a great idea to dress sharp, to use the right colours and fashion dress code. Many call it packaging, I call it the speaker’s introduction. I can help you do better speech presentations. I am call away +2348187133153 Introducing Podium Dynamics Academy, A 6 weekend public speaking school, By PowerMinds for:Teachers,Salespersons,Pastors,Business,Executives,Counselors,Tv presenters,MCs,Motivational Speakers,Anyone interested in public speaking,business presentation and persuasion technology. FEE: N10,000 Public Speaking N15,000 Persuasion Technology. For more details sms PODIUM DYNAMICS to 08187133153. Classes start in April,2014 Registration has started.Send SMS now.It closes 29th March,2014
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 11:37:28 +0000

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