GEORGES NIGHT JOURNAL **dribes da unnercubber car intu da - TopicsExpress


GEORGES NIGHT JOURNAL **dribes da unnercubber car intu da gawage** It da heartache Nuffin but da heartache Hit yu when it tu late Hit yu when yu down It da fool’s game Nuffin but da fools game Standin in da cold rain Feelin lioke da cwown **walks intu da kitchen, fixes da niptinis** What da day it been. Fell like ai been ccused of just bout eberything bad. Da ownly thing what get mei thru da days like dis be da knowin ai not do dem things. Dere summ peeples dat neber gonna beliebes it, cuz dey not gonna looks tu see. Peeples eben says ai deletes things, which ai not do. Da facebutt let mei puts what dey calls da pwofanity filter on da page, n ai gots mine sets tu stwonge cuz ai not likes bad werds on da page. Dere speshul werds ai nots let on da page, yu can pwobly figgure out which ones dey be. Dem comments comes up hidden sos ownly mei can sees dem n den decides if dey bad enuff tu keep hid or if dey not dat bad n den ai lets dem show. Ai just not thinks da SPL be da pwace fur da cuss werds. **dwinks da niptini, pours anuther one** Ai sppose mai biggest pwoblem be when da truff get lost. Seem like dere so many dat would rather beliebe what summ one person say dan goes n looks tu see what da truff of da sitiation bes, It just turn intu dat game where yu says summtin in da ear of da one peeples ear n dey says it in da next peeples ear n so on. Once yu gets tu bout da twentieff person n ask dem what wuz sayed it not got nuffin tu do wif da thing dat wuz sayed tu da furst person. Twies dis game n see what happen. It bery unlikely dat it will comes out right frum dat last person. We awl duz it. We sees what we wants tu sees n hears what we wants tu hears. Just askes any da kitteh what happen when da werds get down gets sayed. Dem not what da kitteh hears, dey mostly hears nice kitteh. MOL Maibee checkin things fur yurselbe be da best solution tu da pwoblems dat goin on. Ai knows ai awlways make dat mai abvice. Do yur homewerk. **puts da new pen frum Leki, da glasses n journal away** **paws Sammis pikature** It shur wuz gud seein yu at mai birfday pawty. Ai reckons yu gonna hab tu waits da long time afore yu gets anuther one da passes frum Ceiling Cat. Dats OK, we cans wait n we knows yu lookin out fur us. Thanky yu fur awl yu taught mei bout not loosin da temper. Ai not think ai eber sawed yu wif da mad on. **goes tu hims new wecliner tu welax n pwobly falls asweep**
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 09:25:16 +0000

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