GET HER COAT! (for any who need :)) This morning I woke up - TopicsExpress


GET HER COAT! (for any who need :)) This morning I woke up remembering a story I’d heard once about Maya Angelou. She was giving a party at her house and a guy started loudly telling a story with horrible jokes about both black and gay people. Maya supposedly just yelled from the other side of the room, “Get that man’s coat! Show him out of my house!” The room went into stunned silence; some people were shocked. But she explained, “This is my HOME. You can’t come into my home and say this. Say them in your own place if you like.” And he was shown out. Well, lately I’ve been thinking how our Beings are our homes as well. Yet we’ll listen to all KINDS of junk sometimes from others and absorb them like strong poison. A lady named Jane told me yesterday that she was about to take a trip to Mexico for the first time. Everything was lining up like magic for her to go, she was hugely excited....until a ‘friend’ began to fill her mind with terror. By the end, she’d convinced Jane that the minute she got off the plane in Guadalajara she’d probably be raped or mugged , if she wasn’t first shot. “But I guess,” her friend ruefully chuckled, “If it’s your time, it’s your TIME. Ooh, honey, I’m so, sooo sorry you’re not going somewhere safe and pretty like I did when I went to Hawaii. Anyway, I’d want you to tell ME if I was going so I’m just saying from loooove.” Jane not only went into total terror, she also psychically felt...well, slimed. You can just feel it, right? Luckily she did some research and realized the violence happening mostly in Mexican border towns was quite different than where she was going. People travel safely all the time to that beautiful country. The dark predictions came more from the other woman’s fear, ignorance, and even jealousy than any reality. Yet Jane STILL couldn’t shake the terror that sullied her mind. She felt her trip was ruined. I suggested she get a coconut (like I do in “Outrageous Openness”) and mentally put all the negative energy into it. Release all of her friend’s energy and then go smash the HELL out of that thing. Let it all go and throw it out. Then I gave her a prayer (though she could certainly shift it in whatever way.) She needed to not only purge her friend’s energy but offer the trip to the Divine. Change me Beloved into One who is protected from all negative energy and predictions! Fill me with Your dazzling and radiant Light; make me a vessel for your Love. I now release all fears I’ve absorbed from others! Let me trust ALWAYS where my own intuition takes me. I now offer this entire trip to You! Guide me where You will, knowing am surrounded always by Your protection. Free me from those who even unconsciously might wish me harm. I am fulfilled and safe, held in the arms of Your Love. I am Yours. You are Mine. We are One. All is well. -Tosha Silver
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:20:37 +0000

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