GET RID OF COMMON CORE OR WELL HAVE KIDS WHO DO NOT GRADUATE. They will be frustrated and quit. They will feel like failures. Well lose amazing teachers!!!! If you dont believe it, watch it happening now. #CommonCore My dream to teach started before I even entered Kindergarten when I taught my dolls and stuffed animals lined up on the floor. Every year they asked me, What do you want to be when you grow up? EVERY YEAR I wrote, 1. a Mommy 2. a Teacher Now, I homeschool but my hands are tied with Common Core rules that REQUIRE me to teach English and Math in certain ways. If my daughter cannot SHOW them this stupid way of doing the work, she will fail. Common Core is failing our kids and the future of our country. Teachers do what they do because they LOVE it. They could easily get their college degrees in much higher paying fields. When the teachers leave, who will be standing in front of children to lead? Will it be those unemployed who just need a job? That scares me. And when WE are senior citizens, these children will be caring for us, the country, and our laws. We need to stop focusing on Test Scores and start focusing on future lives. We do NOT have to all fit in the same box. Some of us read slower. Some of us struggle with math. Some have learning disabilities that require a different approach. This one size fits all is not worth the cost. I seriously wish my children were all out of school. I sadly encourage them NOT to have children as they grow older and get married. I do not want the burden of their childrens futures to weigh as heavily on their shoulders as it is on mine. Ill never see my dreams as a teacher come true because I am not willing to conform to their teaching standards. The school officials have LOST THE PLOT. Search Youtube and youll see. Ill add some links below to show you just how emotional we all are.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:54:20 +0000

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