GET THEE OUT…(BE SEPARATED FROM)… ††† “Now the LORD - TopicsExpress


GET THEE OUT…(BE SEPARATED FROM)… ††† “Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy fathers house, unto a land that I will shew thee:” Genesis 12:1. God called Abraham out of Ur and showed him a new place and way to live. He always separates before using. The main reason for separation is to change the nature of man. You cannot remain as you are and expect God to use you. God wants to deal with the contribution of the evil one in our lives, therefore He calls us aside. He wants us to be separated from the world to begin to dwell in His word. If dwelling in His word is difficult the attraction of the world is still strongly ensnaring. Without separation we cannot clearly hear His voice because other voices and activities in the world are overwhelming. How can there be any distinction between us and the world without separation? God had to bring Israel out of the land of bondage like He called Abraham-their progenitor- from the land of the Chaldeans where magic and Satan worship reigned supreme. God separates His people from the worship of demons to worship the only true God and to partake in the redemptive work of Christ. When He separated Israel He gave them the law and the tabernacle that set them apart as God’s people. These two governed their worship pattern, relationship to God and their relationship with one another. Being Christlike does the same thing for us today. The fruit of the Spirit does not manifest until there is total disconnection from the world. In the world, the lust of flesh suppresses fruitfulness. Unless we are separated we do not have a new identity in the Lord. Paul had to be set apart from his former club-Pharisee’s club- and was given a new identity before he could move with Christ. Paul was divinely delivered from Pharisee mentality and given an apostolic mandate- a new identity. ADVICE!!! Separation brings us to the place where we die to self; where we leave our comfort zone (our palace) to step into destiny. It is a place where our palace becomes a barrier to progress in God; therefore it has to be abandoned. Without separation fruit bearing is impossible. Like Abraham, we remain barren until we get to where God is leading us. When we tarry in Haran we delay our fruitfulness because the separation is incomplete. God does not want us to settle for half-measure. When God calls He demands complete surrender. Give your life to Christ now- tomorrow may be too late. KEEP THE FAITH!!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 07:32:00 +0000

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