GET YOUR COPY NOW.....EVERYONE IS RAVING ABOUT IT! EXCERPT In England Fran was what we, here, would call a high-class hooker, or call girl; but without the stigma. There was absolutely no shame, embarrassment, or reservation in her tone as she candidly told us how she landed at the facility with us. Fran said she dated this particular john, who was a young Asian businessman. She said he owned a number of high-end, expensive sports cars, as well as a few luxury ones. He always presented himself to her as a successful businessman. And Fran genuinely enjoyed his company; as long as he continued to treat her well. He became quite taken with her, which explained why their dates became more frequent. He never explained to Fran the true nature of his business. Neither did she ask, given her own kind of business. Fran made the mistake of thinking that this man was in love with her since he lavished her with money and showered her with expensive gifts. So she was easily persuaded when he asked her to go on holiday with him. In the U.S., we would call it a vacation. And when this john explained that the holiday was in America, Fran became very excited because she had never been to the U.S. When the john added that they would begin their holiday in New York, Fran was ecstatic! In the coming weeks, she got all the necessary paper work together (passport, visa, etc.) for the trip, under his direction. The morning of their flight, before they were to leave the hotel they frequented, the john explained to Fran the nature of his business. He told her that he was in the perfume/cologne business. He further explained to her that he had discovered an exotic ingredient that had not yet been patented; further explaining that it was worth millions of dollars. He told Fran that this secret ingredient was still in its raw form. He then opened a suitcase that contained this raw material – about four (4) plastic bags. Fran said the bags contained some sort of white substance. The businessman then told her that he needed to keep this new ingredient a top secret until his new line of cologne/perfume would be revealed when he met with his constituencies in New York. And with that explanation, he asked Fran to tape the bags to her body. amazon/dp/149531796X
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:13:45 +0000

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