GETTING ALONG WITH PEOPLE How do you get along with people? - TopicsExpress


GETTING ALONG WITH PEOPLE How do you get along with people? Well, listen to this story: Two people had adjoining farms, one raised wheat and had children and large dogs. The other raised sheep. The sheep farmer was in a quandary because the dogs next door were running into his pastures and frightening the sheep. He spoke to his neighbor but the invasions continued. He thought about taking the neighbor to court. He even thought about poisoning the dogs. Then one day he found a solution. Some new lambs were born and the sheep farmer gave each of his neighbor’s children a lamb as a pet. They were delighted! Because of the pet lambs, the father could no longer let the dogs run amok. He restrained them and taught them to leave the lambs and sheep alone.............. And everybody lived happily ever after. That tiny little powerful booklet named Bit and pieces offers - ten suggestions for getting along better with people. Listen to this: 1.) Guard your tongue. Say less than you think. I am a public speaker but I need to be silent when it comes to this. 2.) Make promises sparingly. But keep them faithfully. 3.) Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind word. This can be developed as a habit over time. 4.) Be interested in others, their pursuits, work and family. In other words, be human and be sensitive to others. 5.) Be cheerful. Do not dwell on minor aches and small disappointments. Some people brighten up the room by leaving it. Do not be one of these. 6.) Keep an open mind. Discuss but do not argue. Disagree without being disagreeable. You will know you have a great personality when people disagree with you yet continue to like you. 7.) Discourage gossip. It is destructive. Never talk bad against anyone behind his or her back. This is an act of cowardice you know. 8.) Be careful of other’s feelings. 9.) Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Live in such a way that nobody will believe them. Even if you feel like getting even…do not. 10.) Do not be anxious about getting credit. Just do your best and be patient. Well these are 10 suggestions for getting along with people and take note of this. Every single suggestion presented above comes right out of the bible. Following them and applying them to our daily lives not only in the work place but in the homes as well gives us the principles on how to get along with people. Good leaders know how important it is to develop good people skills. Somebody says: Life is easy; it is the people who make it difficult! But leadership is above all things dealing with people. Follow the advices given today and these three things will happen: First you will discover that people will like you more. Second, you will discover that you will like people better. Third, you will discover that you will like yourself as well. Not that not everyone will like you. Not everyone will like me. I know this very well. Whether the sentiment is justified or not is not the point. One thing I have discovered in life is that I may not be able to control everyone but if there is one person I can control, it’s got to be me. The Bible commands that we are to be at peace with everyone to the best of our ability. This is what I want to do and even if some people don’t….I still do.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 02:16:19 +0000

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