GETTING IT DONE, WITH THE HELP OF GOD, THE GOVERNMENT, THE COPS AND THE CRIMINALS. I have new friends here on facebook. a Christian youth group. It seems we have a similar idea which is building a youth center to help themselves and at risk youth get closer to God, instead of gangs. Take a read. Perhaps God, is bringing us, older people who want to help the young, together over this idea. HE is showing us the way. If these Christian young people and their youth leaders, churches, get behind this idea. If God is behind all this, it will happen. If Christians throughout Chester County not only pray about it, donate time and money towards this, it will happen. As Jamey Wooten is saying. Does the county need to run everything? Perhaps as just a start Open Door Chester representatives should form a park/youth center committee. They then could approach Mayor Wanda Stringfellow and Sheriff Alex Underwood. The mayor talked about building a park in remembrance of Odell Williams. God laid it on my heart to approach these people with this idea, just last week. I talked to the City administrator about this. Asked her to talk it over with the mayor (so they already know whats up) If the mayor ( the city) would agree to eventually donate the Springsteen lot to this organization we could get to work. The administrator told me that lot was nothing but a public eyesore. So how do we clean up that lot. Show people we are serious? The sheriff is very pro youth, constantly looking for a way to help young people and the community. He could use an inmate work crew to clean up the area. The city and county has the trucks, the equipment, to help with this. They could donate their time as well. Bobby Lee, or some other land grading company, could use a bulldozer to first create a walking path. All this would be free or done at reduced cost in the case of the land grading anyway. Do the park/ the youth center in stages, first by clearing and improving the land. Once people, area businesses, see the potential, see that the work has began. I feel sure God will lay it on their hearts, as he has ours, to get this done. As you look at the whole of this idea I believe, I honestly believe, HE is showing us how to turn all the evil that has taken place here over this last year (and in years gone by) to achieve a greater good. Give HIM the praise and Glory, for doing that, Amen. Think about this approach. Talk it over with your membership, lastly, take action to get her done!!! Just as an example, what could these young people do at a youth/teen center. I use this youtube video to show that. https://youtube/watch?v=UR1MdSgJwgE The young people themselves should decide what they want in their building. Even though this center is located on a overseas military base, the same idea applies here. Thanks for reading all this. God Bless.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:49:13 +0000

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