GETTING THOSE CLOSEST TO THE TARGET TO HARASS HER THE MOST What would you do if you bought one half of a twin house and in the other half of the twin house was a GOVERNMENT GANG STALKING TARGET? nostasi Then you found out that the Government got all surrounding neighbors to GANG STALK the target in a program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT using Gang Stalking tactics like: 1. Same Time Exit/Entry – pulling in or out of their driveways when the target came in or out of her house, passing in front of the target’s house when she came in or out of her house to pick up her mail, take in the garbage etc. 2. Using NOISE (power equipment, hammering etc.) for SLEEP DEPRIVATION. 3. BEEPING for harassment 4. USING ANCHORING – WEARING THE COLOR RED, RED CARS ETC. AS ANCHORS TO CHANGE THE EMOTIONAL STATE OF THE TARGET/HARASS. Would you join in the GOVERNMENT GANG STALKING? WE HAVE RESEARCH THAT ANSWERS THE QUESTION OF WHAT THE AVERAGE PERSON WOULD DO: “Social Processes That Grease the Slippery Slope of Evil 1. Mindlessly Taking the First Small Step 2. Dehumanization of Others 3. De-individuation of Self (anonymity) 4. Diffusion of Personal Responsibility 5. Uncritical Conformity to Group Norms” From youtube/watch?v=1uCaAGx_dPY&feature=related WOULD THAT PERSON BECOME AMONG THE WORST GANG STALKERS SAYING TO HIMSELF THIS IS NO WAY TO LIVE – THE GANG STALKING TARGET MUST MOVE AND I WILL DO ALL IN MY POWER TO MAKE HER MOVE. WOULD THE PERSON THEN: 1. PARTICIPATE IN SAME TIME EXIT/ENTRY GANG STALKING. 2. PARTICIPATE IN THE USE OF ANCHORING – dressing in RED, using RED - TO CHANGE THE EMOTIONAL STATE OF THE TARGET/TO HARASS. 3. USE NOISE FOR SLEEP DEPRIVATION Our government has done this before in their notorious COINTELPRO program which went on for 15 years during the Vietnam War: From Wikipedia: “Psychological warfare: The FBI and police used myriad "dirty tricks" to undermine progressive movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists.” Is this exactly what Chief Frank McCoy – because local law enforcement is the arm of Barack Obama’s horrific Government Gang Stalking Program – would want - the person closest to the Gang Stalking target to Gang Stalk her mercilessly and continuously in our government’s program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT reminiscent of the notorious STASI IN TOTALITARIAN EAST GERMANY? OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA POLICE CHIEF IN FLAGRANT VIOLATION OF THE LAW Chief Frank McCoy of the Oceanside, California Police Department CONTINUES THE ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE/GANG STALKING AND UNREMITTING HARASSMENT OF CITIZENS in flagrant violation of the unanimous Supreme Court Ruling that held police violate the Constitution when they attach a Global Positioning System tracker to a person’s vehicle without a valid search warrant. nostasi online.wsj/article/SB10001424052970203806504577178811800873358.html THERE NEEDS TO BE AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR ORCHESTRATING THE ORGANIZED GANG STALKING AND UNREMITTING HARASSMENT OF CITIZENS BY FIRST RESPONDERS AND NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH GROUP MEMBERS USING TORTURE TACTICS USED ON TERRORISTS – SOCIAL ISOLATION BY GETTING ALL SURROUNDING NEIGHBORS TO GANG STALK, NOISE (BEEPING, CONSTRUCTION NOISES FOR HARASSMENT), DELIBERATE ATTEMPTS OF USING NOISE FOR SLEEP DEPRIVATION, INTIMIDATION WITH DOGS, FOR THE USE OF PSY-OPS ON CITIZENS/ANCHORING, AND FOR THE 24/7 CONSPICUOUS SURVEILLANCE OF CITIZENS WHICH GOES ON 24/7 FOR YEARS.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:51:52 +0000

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