GHANAIAN YOUTH NEED BOOKS & PENS, NOT BULLETS & PISTOLS -VODEC We need to transform apprenticeship and other job training programmes to enable the youth acquire relevant skills for self employment and reduce unemployment among the youth through books, pens and series of integrated intervention, but not bullets and pistols. We should instill discipline, patriotism and eschewing corruption, bribery, tribalism and selfishness. The call for youth leaders is necessary, by we expecting the riches of freedom and security of justice for all people. Our country needs to be lifted from the quick sand of injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Partisan politics will not make true decisions to follow a true leader but by been deceived of social amenities such as food and clothing. Conduct of some leaders of Ghana who use the youth to cause violence to achieve their selfish ambition must stop as we wait for the Supreme Court verdict. We should measure our progress by the improvement in the health of our youth, by the number of children in school, by the quality of their education, by the availability of water and electricity in towns and villages, the happiness and welfare of our people should be our chief pride and it is these that Ghana would be judged. Ghana is now practicing the Lucifer patterns of Politics, constructive politics brings good hope and release people from depression and oppression and the strong hold for building a great nation with collective ideas of the people. People fight their chances to politics and refuse to pay heed to the cry of the masses, especially the youth. Unity neutralizes division, equality requires sensibility and tangible approach negates destruction. Voice Of Developing Communities (VODEC), wants to appeal to leaders of Ghana and the various political parties to ensure the country is not plunge into chaos after the Supreme Court ruling on the 29th of August these month rather peace for development of the country. It is evident in the fact that a nation united in love makes progress, whilst a nation which seeks divides and rule tactics, wallows in extremely abject poverty. We are one people, one nation with one common destiny and any attempt to divide this peaceful country, would be a disaster. VODEC is pleading with the youth to be cautious with their actions and be peer educators for their fellow youth, because any illegal attempt could lead to disunity and other nefarious tendencies in the country. The media, Parents, Religious leaders, Traditionalist, Moslems, above all a Ghanaian and a patriotic citizens should advance the interest of the nation positively, reflecting on the aspirations, conviction and beliefs of the ordinary Ghanaian by been an ambassador of peace. There is the need to promote national cohesion rather than promoting illegality. We should promote leadership development not only using leadership concept but also as an academic discipline in a bid to empower the youth of the country in general.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 09:23:03 +0000

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