GIRL CODE RESPECT FOR ELDERS Girls of nowdays hav a tendancy - TopicsExpress


GIRL CODE RESPECT FOR ELDERS Girls of nowdays hav a tendancy of ignoring advice from elderz, if that is not enough you go ahead dissing them and give rude responses... Honestly, it breaks my heart hw some of you answer back wen u r rebuked over ur dressing, your way of tokin and the way that you act.... Let me tel you th reasons why you hate it and fume when someone rebukes you....... It is becoz you feel guilty and you dont anyone to tok, you knw u r wrong but you dont want to admit, you thnk you knw evrythn and you dont want anyone to remind you of hw ignorant you are...... Come to thnk of it..if you dress properly, not showing part of ur back, wearing trouserz that fit you, talk th way a girl z supozd to talk, and act the way a normal respectable lady ought to act.. Trust me you will nat receiv thoz insults any more, you will happily run to them for advice koma pano tikuonongana tokhatokha becoz u r sure if you go to th elderz you will nat like the advce and you wil brush it off though they wud b tellin you th truth... Much as we kno that some of them exagerate, they are stl our elderz and we nid to give them the respect they deserve...Honour ur Father and Mother for ths is right,,your Father and Mother doez nat only min parents biological...thoz that are older than determined Not to remove the mark ur ancestors established For someone to respect you need to respect yourself first.... If you do not then vice versa, Chuz what you want Girl Code>LivingRight#LR#*
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:09:00 +0000

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