GIVE HIM NO PLACE Neither give place to the devil.- Ephesians 4:27 - TopicsExpress


GIVE HIM NO PLACE Neither give place to the devil.- Ephesians 4:27 KJV Give him no place. If you allow the devil to go a mile into your life, he will double the opportunity and go two miles. The serpent can only bite when a hedge or wall of protection is broken (Eccl. 10:8). Don’t allow satan to come in. If you are playing with sin, darkness, lack of diligence in applying the disciplines of prayer, Bible reading e.t.c., you are giving the devil a platform to operate in your life. The Bible says the enemy came in and sowed tares i.e. his works while men slept (Matt. 13:250. Which area of your life are you sleeping in? If you permit satan, he will take advantage of you. Let go of that anger. If you continue with the display of uncontrollable anger with your spouse, child, friend or boss because of that issue, satan will take advantage of you (Eph. 4:26-27). Don’t allow your feelings to be a platform for satan to express himself and his works. Give him no place. Prayers 1. Thank God for the revelation of His word to you today. 2. Pray and disallow every attack, plan, purpose and activity of satan in and around your life. 3. Proclaim that the devil and his cohorts have no place in your life in Jesus name. Faith confessions I refuse to give satan any kind of opportunity in my life in Jesus name. I refuse to allow my mind, will, emotions, body, situations, possessions and any area of my life to be a platform for satan to use to destroy my life and the plans and purposes of God for my life in Jesus name. I receive abundance of grace for any weakness in my life that Satan wants to use as a platform to destroy me in Jesus name. Read through the Bible in a year by following this guide Proverbs 10
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 07:41:59 +0000

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