GIVEAWAY!!!!!! Are you ready to be DREAMING OF THE DUKE? Heres the - TopicsExpress


GIVEAWAY!!!!!! Are you ready to be DREAMING OF THE DUKE? Heres the very first snippet! Sparks are positively flying I tell you! Leave a comment and one VERY LUCKY reader will receive a copy of SHERRY THOMASS brand new book The Hidden Blade! “That is why you came to London?” he asked flatly, still shaken by the force of her laugh upon his body. Still undone by the fact that her base opinion of him struck home in a way he had not known since his father first made it clear how worthless he was. “Because you feel nothing for me.” “Except inconvenience.” That gave him pause. She found him to be an inconvenience? What a change in circumstance. Wasn’t it he who found women to be irrelevant and disloyal? “And you wish a divorce?” She brought her hands together and clapped slowly. “Bravo. Does repetition improve the word?” She strode toward him, none of the sensuality or openness that had guided her the night before in her body. Instead, she seemed closed and unattainable. “I wish my independence.” “To. . . To. . .” His skin crawled at the very idea of other men’s hands upon her. “Be with other men?” she queried, her eyes sparking at his discomfort. “Yes, your grace, since you have given no indication in the past years,” her voice dropped and their was an edge of pain to it, “to ensure I had no need of them.” “And what if now--” He cut himself off, the words completely ridiculous and inspired from his cock, not his brain. He couldn’t go down that path. It had been one of the great appeals of being married and yet not being married. He’d never had to be a husband. He’d never had to test the loyalty of his wife or risk failing so utterly again in the eyes of one he loved. “What if you wish me now?” she finished for him. She took another few steps forward until the hem of her skirts brushed his boots. She glanced up through her lashes, her very nearness a dare. A dare born of anger and resentment. “What matters is that I do not wish you.” Just like every one else. No one wanted him. Not the real him. Just those few words negated any sort of chivalry he might have still held close. Didn’t want him? She wanted his body. He knew that for certain. After all, her lips, those full, heady lips, were half open and all he could think of was the night before when he had so very nearly kissed her. “And if I wished to know what I shall be missing? What I have given up?” “By all means,” she licked her lower lip slightly, moistening it, challenging him, and yet a moment of vulnerability softened her features before she whispered. “have it, then have done.” The scent of vanilla and cinnamon surrounded him and the heat of her near body teased his already simmering senses. His mind was playing the most devilish tricks. He’d come here to continue what they had started, but if he were to do so with his. . . With his wife. . . what would occur?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 20:01:43 +0000

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