GIVING THANKS TO OUR FATHER GOD. TO ALL MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS AND FAMILY. It is during this time of the year that we remember the gift we were given from our Father in His Son Jesus Christ. l know you, believe as l do and are ever thankful to the Lord for our Savior. We should never allow this thankfulness to the Lord to be removed from our heart! We should begin to exercise our thankfulness muscle as it is much underrated. In the Psalms, we see King David always thanking God, and we are told in the same book that thanksgiving helps us to enter into the gates of the temple. Using this as our example, we should not cease in our thanksgiving to God for what He has done, is doing and is going to do. With that said, l will be remiss if l didnt tell you how truly thankful l am for your friendship and for loving the Lord Jesus Christ. l do not take it for granted and l continually thank God for you. l do believe that God is an answerer of prayer and will work everything out in His will for your life. As the Lord is working out your prayer needs, you must protect what you have already been given. Doing so, allows God to fulfill His will in our lives. We can then be trusted with more. l always looked to the Lord in His infinite sufficiency --bringing Him only to my utter insufficiency. Time after time He stooped down to help me, undeterred by how little l brought to the table. Sometimes He surprised me with the ardor of His Love. As l focused on Jesus, His compassionate Presence always encouraged me. The Bible is the only infallible Word of God. My writings are based on that unchanging standard, and l try to ensure that they are consistent with Biblical truth. l encourage you to read Gods Word and live by it slowly and prayerfully, opening your mind and heart to the One who loves you more than you can imagine. Gods Word is alive and full of power; it penetrates the human heart deeply, and it changes lives l pray that Gods Word will increase your awareness of Christs Love in your life. l consider it a delightful privilege to share Gods Word with you daily. May you experience deeper, richer, more continual intimacy and communion with Jesus day by day. Bountiful blessings!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 08:10:27 +0000

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