GIVING THIS RABBLE A ROCKET I expected to be elated to see the - TopicsExpress


GIVING THIS RABBLE A ROCKET I expected to be elated to see the end of this bloody lot but I’m not. I’m bloody tired and angry. Just a little progress for all that pain would have been nice but no, it’s been all regress. Ever since I was an 8-year-old paper boy I have been fascinated with politics and its people but fascination has given way to disgust and the past six years is set to remain a blight on our wholesome history. It should never be allowed to happen again. Criminal unions have infiltrated our government and the political far Left has infiltrated our media and our children’s classrooms to give us the worst Labor can offer, at least in my memory. Adam on eve of eviction... The Greens must suffer for this. Lust for money and ideological power at any cost led Labor to embrace these Green zealots whose sole representative, Adam Bandt, held less than one per cent of House numbers yet the Greens have governed this illegitimate Government without our permission. They boast of mapping Australia a new world order yet they destroy all they touch and very few support their insidious ambitions. Their Senate power-base is no more than an anomaly from two elections past. The Senate’s role is constitutionally a mere “house of review” but the rabid unelected Left has morphed it into a tool of undemocratic bastardry. Gillard thought nothing of her criminal past, it was the norm in Labor circles, so how dare anyone question it? But question it we did, and to a barrage of Gillard invective. A repulsive Rudd was used to get Labor into power in 2007 and, once elected, they promptly knifed him in favour of an awful Gillard. She of course proved unelectable so they knifed her too and reinstated the hated Rudd in a frantic attempt to hang on to power. But this time Rudd has proved unelectable and he, like she, will resign rather than feel the thrust of more cold steel. And who was the architect of all that? The mouthpiece of faceless union power, Bill Shorten. And why were Australians forced to endure such Labor anarchy? Well, two words will suffice: Windsor and Oakeshott! Were they pretending to be conservatives in conservative electorates? Were they hiding a clandestine love for Labor from their constituents? Treachery that made nonsense of our democracy! Both cowardly resigned their trashed tenures before voters could lay a baseball bat on them. Media, delighted with Julia, never seriously held them to account. Now we can sit back, relax, and watch that grub of a man, Uncle Kev, struggle for his formerly safe Labor seat. Abbott has much to do, and hopefully quietly. I have a tummy ache. After regurgitating this unnecessary Australian tragedy, I’m off for a stiff Scotch. Unlike · · Share · 2 hours ago ·
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 09:36:01 +0000

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