GLANCE AT THE FUTURE Hello Dears, we have been taking time off - TopicsExpress


GLANCE AT THE FUTURE Hello Dears, we have been taking time off the rat race for money money and work work always engaging us moving from one place to another to achieve. We had to pause and ask ourselves what our backgrounds speak about this endless hunting from a cultural view point. Our cultures based on clan leadership really had a strong impact on her people in the spectrum of values. However, Like any other society in the current Information age, Education and urbanisation will erode the cultural cohessiveness based on the clan mode of administration. Democracy and decentralization will continue leading to involvement of rural people in decision making and political councils are having non cultural native majorities who are not respecting the clan values. Some of todays aspirations like cultural leadership and comand are becoming irrelevant to the majority of the decision making living within chiefdoms or kingdoms. A sea change is taking place within and or the next 50 years. To soften the impact of this change, cultural Institutions will have to seperate culture from politics and invest more in social economic activities which will lead to boosting Touism and economic excelence rather than chieftance and kingship as the engine of its peoples development along the lines employed by the Aga Khan for his people worldwide. Culture will cease to hold sway in public affairs and politics will be played on different terms. Cultural Institutions or tribes will survive the future by changing with times and allow swimming with the rest of the global village focusing at four major basics: 1). To Live, 2). To love, 3). To learn 4). To leave a legacy.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:47:12 +0000

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