GLIMPSE OF A PRECIOUS MOMENT: Before 9:00 am, the papal convoy, - TopicsExpress


GLIMPSE OF A PRECIOUS MOMENT: Before 9:00 am, the papal convoy, with the pope riding on a closed black Volkswagen sedan car, with opened window, left the Apostolic Nunciature hit the road, Taft Avenue, where a huge crowd, who encamped outside the papal facility the whole night, awaits contented to have even a brief glimpse of the pope, and began a “very slow” journey traversing toward Quirino Avenue, Nagtahan Bridge and arrived at 9:15 am at Malacanang Palace. The convoy distinctively traveled so slowly, as compare to last night’s motorcade from Villamor Air Base that the pope with his opened window untirelessly waved to the enthusiastic crowds and sometimes trying to extend his right hand outward to reach the hands of the crowds lined along the way. Once more, our kababayans showed their respect to the “holy visitor” by behaving well. Many of our kababayans experiencing “a moment of grace”, will not go home “luhaan sad.” But many of them leaving the sides of the streets on tears rejoicing in joy believing they have seen “a representative of God”on earth. On entrance in Malacanang Palace, the pope’s car stopped besides where President Aquino was waiting and the pope opened the door of his car by himself; after the welcoming honors ceremony they walked on the red carpet toward the Palace lobby, he saw his security aid warding off some boys trying to cross, jump over the fence, the pope instructed his aide to let them go, nearing the entrance of the palace, whenever he sees a child he would instruct his security aides to bring them to him to hug, kiss and bless each one of them; this brings to my mind about Jesus in the New Testament, and he received letters from the children. The pope and the President went to the President Hall for a one-on-one meeting and they exchanged gifts, the President offering an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary carved from a century-old acacia tree downed by a typhoon in the Malacanang Palace, while the pope handing an old map to the President. I was only watching the live TV Coverage of the historic pope’s visit and I felt overwhelmed by what my heart feels on what my eyes see. It was really heartwarming how this pope is doing; reinvigorating, refreshing, renewing the Christian faith of many Filipino people. On his speech, the pope admired and praised the faith, the resiliency and heroics of Filipinos in and while facing calamities and challenges in life; encourage the importance of families strong in faith in shaping the society, and praised the Philippine Government for its efforts to administer an honest government, but tells Filipino leaders to end corruption. At 10:47 am, the pope using an open pope’s mobile left the Malacanang Palace to celebrate his first Holy Mass on Philippine soil at the Manila Cathedral, Basilica of the Immaculate Concepcion where he is expected at 11:15 am. The pope, introduced by Cardinal Tagle as the “Vicar of Christ and Successor of Peter, began his homily “Do you love me? Surprised, the audience answered “Yes,” unaware that the pope’s seeming question was taken from the Gospel of John Hearing the positive reply“ Then thank you!,” the pope responded. LOL. His homily centered on the poor saying, if you take out the poor from the Gospel, so as the Lord Christ Jesus will be gone. Speaking to Filipino bishops, priests and other religious men and women, we first have to examine our conscience, letting or rather welcoming love to penetrate our hearts as like reconciling love; then share our joy and enthusiasm for love of Christ to others in proclaiming the Gospel – a ministry of reconciliation with a daily encounter with the Lord in prayer; and then we will be reconciled to Christ by way of stripping complacency to connect with poor.”With your visit to the Philippines, we knew that Jesus Christ will rebuild His Church in the Philippines, “you brought fire to the faith of theFilipino people replied Cardinal Tagle to the pope on the latter’s homily. While the pope was preparing to exit from the Manila Cathedral, the song, “Tell the world of His (Jesus Christ’s) Love was played piped all over the basilica inside and outside in the Plaza Roma filled with a “multitude,” as in the Bible, of people, raising white handkerchiefs and images of the little Sto Nino, who heard the mass in a giant LED TV screen, I felt a sense of renewal and pride of being a Roman Catholic. At 2:47 pm, in good weather, the pope left the Manila Cathedral using the black Volkswagen sedan car anew. For Pope Francis, we thank you for the Gospel of joy and hope you brought the Philippines with your “culture of encounter”! For the Lord, we thank you for sending us your Vicar, Pope Francis, for guiding our leaders: the government and the religious for the orderly management so far in the reception of our guest, Pope Francis and giving us a relatively good weather in the Philippines in spite of Amang entering the PAR. Oh, along the way to the Apostolic Nunciature to rest in preparation for the Meeting with Families in the afternoon at MOA, he saw a child carrying a banner saying “SALAMAT LOLO KIKO!, which he immediately asked for translation. Grinning, he wore a smile on his face and felt energized by the warm welcome given to him by a million of our kababayans who lined the motorcade route. WE THANK YOU LORD! –The Night Stalker A WONDER OF CREATION: God, also, gains pleasure in watching us enjoy His creation. The Bible says, God. . .generously gave us everything for our enjoyment, as in the five senses that we have - eyes for us to see the beauty of nature. that is to put us in awe and adoration of God. Nature reminds us that there is a God whom we should praise and be thankful of for all these gifts entrusted and placed in our hands for our enjoyment; all we have to do is be worthy of the trust of which God is more than willing to give more generously, but He expects us to be more responsible when He does. - The Night Stalker FIVE SENSES:“God also gains pleasure in watching us enjoy His creation. He gave us eyes to enjoy beauty, ears to enjoy sounds, our nose and taste buds to enjoy smells and tastes, and nerves under our skin to enjoy touch. Every act of enjoyment becomes an act of worship when we thank God for it. In fact, the Bible says, “God. . .generously gives us everything for our enjoyment.” So, peel and enjoy eating the orange; God is watching and we will be putting a smile on His face while we enjoy juicing the fruit He created for us; but place the trash in the bin; it is a test, too, which God places before us, it, including other simple tasks are , also, tests of God in our life for our character development, and has eternal consequences. – The Night Stalker A CHILD’S POTENTIAL: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). 16 January 2015, ONE DAY AFTER POPE FRANCIS, PONTEFIX, the “Builder of Bridges,” THE VICAR OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST”,SUCCESSOR OF PETER,” THE PEOPLES’POPE ARRIVED FOR PASTORAL VISIT IN MANILA: The 4th Manifestation of the Lord since Christmas Day, December 25, 2014 – the Lord appearing before the Filipino people! POPE FRANCIS THANK YOU SA MALASAKIT! (#POPETYSM):“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Dear Pope Francis, Your visit to the Philippines demonstrates Gods love to His people in the Philippines manifesting that the Lord is here expressing that He cares and showing His concern for everyone of us, especially the peoples – families who lost some of the lives of their loved ones and livelihood from a series of devastating calamities in the Philippines: typhoons, floods, landslides, earthquake and fires falling the lives and hopes of many lowly people into the pit of a bleak future - of hopelessness. .Your visit brings great joy and hope for us Christians and non-Christians alike: victims of calamities, prisoners who will be free at last! ;Your visit will enliven more our faith in God and will encourage us on to trust Him more, and draw ourselves more closer to Him. (#POPETYSM):“Protektahan ang mga inosente at damayan ang mga nagdurusa.” – Pope Francis, the “Pope for Everyone,” “Ang Pastol Sa Panibagong Panahon.” A CHILD’S POTENTIAL: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Louis Armstrong was well known for his smiling face, raspy voice, white handkerchief, and virtuoso trumpet playing. Yet his childhood was of want and pain. He was abandoned by his father as an infant and sent to reform school when he was 12. Surprisingly, this became a positive turning point. Music Professor Peter Davis regularly visited the school and provided musical training for the boys. Soon Louis excelled on the cornet and became the leader of the boy’s band. His life trajectory seemed to have been reset to become a world-famous trumpet player and entertainer. Louis story can be an example for Christian parents. The Proverb, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6) can apply to more than the spiritual and moral aspects of our children’s lives. We should also realize that a child’s giftedness will often determine his or her area of interest .In the ca of Louis, a little training in music resulted in a virtuoso trumpet player. As we lovingly provide to our children godly instruction from God’s Word, we should encourage them in their interests and giftedness so that they might become all that God has planned for them to be. SAVE A CHILD, SAVE A LIFE. – Dennis Fisher, Night Stalker BIBLIARASAL –“BETHEL” (16 January 2015 Friday) ASKED TO DO: “How hard have we worked to share the Gospel we know to our family and friends.” PRAY for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Prayer: Father, speak to me. I wish to receive your Word into my heart. Send forth your spirit to me. Reveal your face to me today. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia! The Word of God is living and effective; discerning reflections and thoughts of the heart. Alleluia, alleluia! BIBLIARASAL –“BETHEL” (16 January 2015 Friday) ENTERING INTO HIS REST:“Let us strive to enter into rest so that no one may fall after the same example of disobedience. . . .” 1ST READING: HEBREWS 4:1-5,11 “Let us be on guard while the promise of entering into his rest remains, that none of you seem to have failed. For in fact we have received the Good News just as they did. But the word that they received did not profit them, for they were not united in faith with those who listened. For we who believed enter into [that] rest just as he said: “As I swore in my wrath, ‘They shall not enter into my rest,’. ”And yet his works were accomplished at the foundation of the world. For he has spoken somewhere about the seventh day in this manner. “And God rested on the seventh day from all his works,” and again, in all the previously mentioned place. “They shall not enter into my rest.” Therefore, let us strive to enter into that rest so that no one may fall after the same example of disobedience.” REFLECTIONS- The truest and most satisfying rest is the rest of the just. This is the rest of the just person who knows that he has done all that he has been asked to do. This is the rest of the person who can honestly stand before God and say “I have done all that you asked me to do. It is accomplished.” Why is Jesus content to go to the cross? Because He knows that this is His Father’s will and that therefore, this is not the end but the beginning of something new that His Father is doing.” BIBLIARASAL –“BETHEL” (16 January 2015 Friday) PUT HOPE IN GOD: “What we have heard and know. . .we will declare to the generations to come the glorious deeds of the Lord. . .” PSALM 78:3-8 Do not forget the works of the Lord! “What we have heard and know, and what our fathers have declared to us, we will not hide from their sons; we will declare to the generation to come the glorious deeds of the LORD and his strength. That they too may rise and declare to their sons, that they should put their hope in God, and not forget the deeds of God but keep his commands. And not be like their fathers, a generation wayward and rebellious, a generation that kept not its heart steadfast, nor its spirit faithful.” BIBLIARASAL –“BETHEL” (16 January 2015 Friday) BLASPHEMING?: “We have never seen anything like this.” GOSPEL: MARK2:1-12 When Jesus returned to Capernaum after some days, it became known that he was at home. Many gathered together so that there is no longer room for them, not even around the door, and he preached the word to them. They came bringing to a paralytic carried by four men. Unable to get near Jesus because of the crowd, they opened up the roof above him. After they have broken through, they let down the mat on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic ”Child, your sins are forgiven.”Now some of the scribes were sitting there asking themselves. “Why does this man speak that way? He is blaspheming. Who but God alone can forgive sins?” Jesus knew immediately knew in his mind what they were thinking to themselves, so he said, “Why are you thinking such things in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic ‘Your sins are forgiven, or to say Rise, pick up your mat and walk?’ But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on earth” – he said to the paralytic, “I say to you, Rise, pick up your mat, and go home” He rose, pick up his mat at once and went away in the sight of everyone. They were all astounded and glorified God saying, “We have never seen anything like this.” REFLECTIONS- “And so we have another personal encounter with Jesus and miraculous healing. However, here we see recorded the great pains and efforts these men went through to get their friend into the presence of Jesus. How hard have we worked to share the Gospel we know so well with our family and friends? One of the greatest sins of our age is apathy. It is often tied in with complacency and laziness. Let us seek to be sure we are not guilty of it.” READ THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: God’s special verse/thought for me today- LUKE 9-12 REFLECTIONS- THINK: “How hard have we worked to share the Gospel we know so well with our family and friends?” PRAY AGAIN-Thank the Lord for His message to you and pray that you may be able to live it out in your daily life. PRAYER: Father, I thank you. Your word is manna to my spirit. May your Word that I received today transform my soul. Make me more like you. Amen. COMPANION – A Catholic Scripture Diary/Bro. Bo Sanchez/ Fr. Steve Tynan/BIBRIARASAL PINOY (“BETHEL”)“ “IT IS IN CHRIST THAT WE FIND OUT WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE ARE LIVING FOR. LONG BEFORE WE FIRST HEARD OF CHRIST. . . HE HAD HIS EYE ON US, HAD DESIGNS ON US FOR GLORIOUS LIVING, PART OF THE OVERALL PURPOSE HE IS WORKING OUT FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE: (Ephesians 1:11). BIBLIARASAL –“BETHEL” (16 January 2015 Friday) PRACTICING THE PRESENCE OF GOD?: Everything we do can be spending time with God.” A common misconception is that “spending time with God” means being alone with Him. Of course, as Jesus modeled, we need time alone with God, but that is only a fraction of our working hours. Everything we do can be “spending time with God” if He is invited to be part of it and we stay aware of His presence. The classic book on learning how to develop a constant conversation with God is Practicing the Presence of God. It was written in the seventeenth century by Brother Lawrence, a humble cook in a French monastery. Brother Lawrence was able to turn over the most commonplace and menial tasks, like preparing meals and washing dishes into acts of praise and communion with God. The key to friendship with God, he said, is not changing what we do, but changing our attitude toward what we do. What we normally do for ourselves we begin by doing for God, whether it is eating, bathing, working, relaxing, or taking out the trash. Today, we often feel we must get away from our daily routine to worship God, but that is only because we haven’t learned to practice His presence all the time. Brother Lawrence found it easy to worship God through the common tasks of life; he didn’t have to go away for special spiritual retreats. - The Purpose-Driven Life, Rick Warren. BIBLIARASAL –“BETHEL” (16 January 2015 Friday) “TRAIN OUR MINDS TO REMEMBER GOD:”Practicing the presence of God is a skill, a habit we can develop. . .” Practicing the presence of God is a skill, a habit we can develop. Just as musicians practice scales everyday in order to play beautiful music with ease. We must force ourselves to think about God at different times in our day. We must train our mind to remember God. At first, we may need to create reminders to regularly our thoughts back to awareness that God us at that moment. Begin by placing visual reminders around us. We may post little notes that say, “God is with me and for me right now.” Benedictine monks use the hourly chimes of a clock to remind them to pause and pray the hour prayer. If we have a watch or cell phone with an alarm, we can do the same. Sometimes, we will sense God’s presence, other times, we won’t. If we are seeking an experience through all of this, we have missed the point. We don’t praise God to feel good, but to do good. Our goal is not feeling, but a continual reality that God is always present. That is the lifestyle of worship. – The Purpose-Driven Life, Rick Warren/The Night Stalker ”ALL FOR THE GREATER GLORY OF GOD! FOR EVERYTHING COMES FROM HIM, HAS BEEN MADE BY HIM, AND HAS TO RETURN TO HIM.”(Romans 12:36)” – RBC Miinistries/ PINOY (“BETHEL”) – Mission: To worship and accept the invitation to us of friendship and fellowship with the Holy Trinity. “I want us to help each other with the faith we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you. – St. Paul) Motto: Less than the least of God’s mercies.” (Gen. 32:10); Slogan:Deus Meus et Omnia (My God My All Deus Meus et Omnia (My God My All – St. Francis of Assisi); BIBLIARASAL PINOY (“BETHEL”), THE NIGHT STALKER: In servitude and worship of and thanksgiving to God , friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. A WORD OF PRAYER FROM THE HEART OF GODS SERVANT. COME LORD JESUS CHRIST, TAKE YOUR RIGHTFUL PLACE ON THE THRONE OF MY LIFE, I GIVE IT TO YOU, FOR ETERNITY. BIBLIARASAL PINOY (“BETHEL”), THE NIGHT STALKER
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:44:39 +0000

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