GLOBAL COMMUNION OF CHURCHES (GCC) (An international fellowship - TopicsExpress


GLOBAL COMMUNION OF CHURCHES (GCC) (An international fellowship of Christian churches, pastors, bishops, prophets, apostles, missionaries, evangelists, teachers, healers, and members.) VISION: To pursue peace (shalom), and envision the unity of churches before the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN: 1. Belief in the Trinity of God (Required) 2. Belief in the Church as the Body of Christ (Required) 3. Full or partial communion-Will honor the Ministry of member churches, and fellow workers, and we might hire or exchange services of Communion members (Optional, depending on the receiving church) BENEFITS OF JOINING: 1. Prayers and covering with fellow members through social media; most of them are pastors, bishops, apostles, evangelists, missionaries, healers and teachers. 2. Regular emails that contained ministry teachings, lessons and theologies. 3. Opportunity to share and receive early information re: Conferences, trainings, and seminars. 4. Group counseling. You can post your problems in the secret group of Facebook and members will try to help you. (SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMUNION WILL BE DECIDED BY THE CURRENT MEMBERS). SUB MEMBERSHIP (OPTIONAL) (1) THE INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF JESUS’ KNIGHTS Vision: The Order is seen as a Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Christians who help one another and as advocate of the Christian Faith. (SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES OF THE GROUP WILL BE DECIDED BY THE CURRENT MEMBERS). (2) GLOBAL COLLEGE OF BISHOPS VISION: The College is seen as an active fellowship of bishops, archbishops and apostles helping one another for the sake of the Great Commission and the Body of Christ. (SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES OF THE GROUP WILL BE DECIDED BY THE CURRENT MEMBERS). (3) GLOBAL ASSEMBLY OF PROPHETS VISION: The Assembly is seen as “School of the Prophets” who shall interpret the will of God in a certain situation in each church, country or globally. It shall be the mouth piece of God in our global society. (SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES OF THE GROUP WILL BE DECIDED BY THE CURRENT MEMBERS). (4) GLOBAL COUNCIL OF EVANGELISTS AND MISSIONARIES VISION: The Council is seen as the think tank of strategies on mission and evangelism. (SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES OF THE GROUP WILL BE DECIDED BY THE CURRENT MEMBERS). (5) GLOBAL CHRISTIAN THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY VISION: The Society is seen as the think tank of theologies, and Christian Doctrines. (SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES OF THE GROUP WILL BE DECIDED BY THE CURRENT MEMBERS). HOW TO JOIN TO GLOBAL COMMUNION OF CHURCHES? 1. Pay through PAYPAL for the annual membership fee (US$5), and afterwards you will be directed to the online form. Those who want to enlist in the GCC COUNCIL OF OFFICERS shall pay US$50 annually. Officers have specific position in the COUNCIL. Officers propose programs, plans, policy, and rules for the whole Communion (GCC). 2. The Screening Committee will evaluate your application and will decide as soon as possible. 3. If you are accepted as a member you will be given a DIGITAL CERTIFICATE and you will be allowed to join in the regular mailing list for updates, and information. You can also opt to join our sub groups such as the International Order of Jesus’ Knights, Global College of Bishops, Global Assembly of Prophets, Global Council of Evangelists and Missionaries, and Global Christian Theological Society. (A) HOW TO JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF JESUS’ KNIGHTS? 1. He or she must first be a member of Global Communion of Churches. 2. He or she must pay the Ann Kay MartinGual Membership Fee of US$100. 3. Paid members will receive a digital certificate. 4. Paid members will receive a free Annual Journal of Theology (PDF Form) prepared by GCTS. 5. Paid members will receive a free Annual Journal of Missiology (PDF Form) prepared by GCTS. (B) HOW TO JOIN THE GLOBAL COLLEGE OF BISHOPS? 1. He or she must first be a member of Global Communion of Churches. 2. He or she must pay the Annual Membership Fee of US$50. 3. Paid members will receive a digital certificate. 4. Paid members will have the right to join the FB secret group for GCB. 5. Paid members will receive a free Annual Journal of Prophecies (PDF Form) prepared by GAP. (C ) HOW TO JOIN THE GLOBAL ASSEMBLY OF PROPHETS? 1. He or she must first be a member of Global Communion of Churches. 2. He or she must pay the Annual Membership Fee of US$40. 3. Paid members will receive a digital certificate. 4. Paid members will have the right to join the FB secret group for GAP. 5. Paid members will receive a free Annual Journal of Prophecies (PDF Form) prepared by GAP. (D) HOW TO JOIN THE GLOBAL COUNCIL OF EVANGELISTS AND MISSIONARIES? 1. He or she must first be a member of Global Communion of Churches. 2. He or she must pay the Annual Membership Fee of US$20. 3. Paid members will receive a digital certificate. 4. Paid members will have the right to join the FB secret group for GCEM. 5. Paid members will receive a free Annual Journal of Missiology (PDF Form) prepared by GCEM. (E ) HOW TO JOIN THE GLOBAL CHRISTIAN THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY? 1. He or she must first be a member of Global Communion of Churches. 2. He or she must pay the Annual Membership Fee of US$20. 3. Paid members will receive a digital certificate. 4. Paid members will have the right to join the FB secret group for GCTS. 5. Paid members will receive a free Annual Journal of Theology (PDF Form) prepared by GCTS. GOT QUESTIONS? Email me: drsergz@yahoo
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:11:45 +0000

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