GLOBAL NEWS LEARN EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT AGENDA 21 Agenda 21: The Rockefellers Are Building Human Settlement Zones In Connecticut According to many experts, such as the World Health Organization, and the United Nations, 70% of the worlds population will be living in cities, by 2050. Usually left out of the reporting of this statistic, are the determining factors that will be causing people to move off of rural land, and into the crowded cities. What would make so many people leave their quiet, rural community, to go and live in a city, that is becoming evermore crowded, or what would stop someone that is living in a crowded city, from moving to a more quiet, rural community? Surely more than 30% of the people in the world will want to have their own piece of land, with a house, away from the city, in 2050. What these organizations are not telling you is that a massive shift of the population into cities is not a random projection, but a planned goal of many of the worlds top leaders, and leading organizations. By causing an increase in the cost of owning, and living on, property in rural areas (property tax, car tax, utilities, etc.), governments will cause a shift of population from rural communities to the city. This is one of the goals of United Nations Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is a massive plan, or program of action, for the 21st century, developed by the United Nations, and connected organizations, that would require every resource in the world, including humans, to be collectivized, and controlled. If you have never heard of, or are looking to become more familiar with, UN Agenda 21, I have read, and analyzed, the document, and have written a report titled, A Critical Analysis of Agenda 21 - United Nations Program of Action, which I highly recommend. In the following report I will be attempting to convey to the reader, the reality that Agenda 21 has made its way into our local communities, pushed using friendly-sounding terms like livable communities, complete streets, and resilient cities, and is being used to cause a demographic shift, away from rural communities, and into cities, as envisioned, and planned, by the United Nations.... Like ·
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:46:42 +0000

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