GLOBAL TIMES NEWSPAPER Is This Government On The Brink Of The - TopicsExpress


GLOBAL TIMES NEWSPAPER Is This Government On The Brink Of The Abyss? By Sorie Fofana It is very unusual for people who work in the Office of the President to be making headline news in local tabloids. James Sanpha Koroma resigned as Secretary to the President, when he realised that his continuous stay in the office (State House) was adversely affecting the integrity of the Presidency. Recent events at State House, are beginning to show that, there is visible lack of strong leadership at the helm of State affairs. For the past one week, there has been acrimonious exchange of letters between the Secretary to the President, Mr. E.B. Osho-Coker and the Minister of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment, Hon. Musa Tarawally. We find it bewildering that, a meeting convened by the President at State House, on Thursday August 21, 2014 to settle the matter between the Secretary to the President and the Minister of Lands almost ended in rancour. A secret memo addressed to the President, by Hon. Musa Tarawally has been leaked to Civil Servants, by the Office of the President. It has emerged that the decision to recommend the extension of the stay of Avil Cummings and Matilda Williams in the Civil Service was influenced by the Minister of Finance, Dr. Kaifala Marah. He actually recommended the extension on behalf of the two women to the President who graciously approved it. All said and done, the President should find a way to bring Mr. Osho-Coker and Hon. Musa Tarawally together. The exchange of ill-tempered letters between Mr. Osho-Coker and Hon. Musa Tarawally is exposing the government to derision. Over the past one year, the SEA (Special Executive Assistant) to the President at State House, Sylvia Blyden has insulted almost every person that matters in this government. When she insulted the country’s Vice President, Alhaji Chief Sam Sumana, some APC supporters were clapping and dancing for her. She was seen as a heroine, for publicly humiliating the Vice President. And she was never publicly reprimanded. It was only when the courageous and fearless Jarah Kawusu – Konte, decided that, enough was enough and took her on, that, we saw Alhaji Minkailu Mansaray and Ambassador Osman Foday Yansaneh trooping to State House to broker a temporary ceasefire between Sylvia Blyden and Jarah Kawusu – Konte. Why did they not attempt to tell Sylvia Blyden to stop her newspaper (Awareness Times) from publishing demeaning articles about the country’s Vice President? Sylvia Blyden has turned her war machine on the Government’s Spokesman, Alhaji Alpha Kanu, referring to him as “a comedian” and “a notorious clown”. And she continues to work in the Office of the President. What kind of a government is this? This is the only government that every Jack and Jill can just wake up and speak on its behalf. The government has a multitude of spokespersons. Alpha Kanu, Theo Nicol, Abdulai Bayraytay, Ajibu-Jalloh, Kabs Kanu, etc. are all spokesmen for the government. With such an arrangement, there is always bound to be contradictions. This issue has to be addressed by no less a person than President Koroma himself. President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah once said, that, only four people speak on behalf of his government – himself, the Vice President, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Information and Broadcasting. Can President Koroma consider the possibility of appointing a Presidential Spokesman that will be speaking directly on his behalf? It is always difficult to cross-check information at the Presidency. The State House Communications Unit almost always decline to comment on issues bordering on the Presidency. President Koroma has a broad shoulder, so, he carries a lot of responsibility. He has to delegate some of his responsibilities to people that have integrity. The impression should not be created that, this government is on the brink of the abyss. Thank you!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 09:35:59 +0000

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