GLOBAL WARMING: AMERICA WILL DISAPPEAR UNDER WATER 3 August 2013. 22:23 | 1 comment Americanization flood-end of the world The latest study shows that in the near future due to the rise in the sea level due to melting of the Arctic ice will be flooded New York, Miami and Boston, and then another 1,700 seats. The consequences of global warming will be much worse than previously acknowledged verovalo.To new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, allowing for a dramatic increase in the level of the oceans and seas due to melting of ice sheets in the Arctic will disappear under water even 1,700 U.S. cities including metropolitan areas such as New York, Miami, and Boston. Exposed to the East Coast New research from the cataclysmic predictions published a few days after news came out that the inhabitants of the village of Kivalina on Alaska island that is forced to move as it will in the next ten years will be completely submerged. They are certainly the first victims of global warming, but it seems that they will in the not too distant future will be a lot more. The first target of the water in U.S. cities will be those that are on the coast. It is estimated that the first to be sunk in New York, and soon thereafter the ocean begin to spread across the states of California, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina and Texas. The data show that will surely disappear 25 percent of the territory, but the consequences could be more difficult. There is no solution And if we completely stopped immediately tomorrow emissions to the atmosphere, primarily carbon dioxide, Fort Lauderdale, Miami Gardens, Hoboken and New Jersey would certainly one day in the near future find themselves under water. Melting ice is a process that has already started, so it is difficult to stop - explained study leader Benjamin Strauss, adding that hundreds of American cities certainly can no longer escape the worst fate, and their number continues to grow rapidly. According to him, it has been calculated that if the pollution it continues at the current pace, sea level could rise as much as 30 centimeters every ten years. On the other hand, if people reduce emissions, the average increase in the water level could be reduced from seven to two meters, but only up to 2100 networks. (Kurir)
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 21:07:20 +0000

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