GLOBAL WARMING CAUSED ISIS THREAT!!! ??? WHAT? Nutty Professor Blames Global Warming for Islamic Terrorists September 30, 2014 By Matthew Burke ISIS_Militants (1) In a Huffington Post column entitled, How Climate Change Helped ISIS, Professor of History at the City University of New York (CUNY), the same University that’s paying Paul Krugman $25,000 per MONTH to push the Communist Democrat Party’s “income inequality” agenda, blames Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS on global warming climate change. Here’s an excerpt from warmist Professor Charles B. Strozier‘s nonsense: While ISIS threatens brutal violence against all who dissent from its harsh ideology, climate change menaces communities (less maliciously) with increasingly extreme weather. Most of us perceive these threats as unrelated. We recycle water bottles and buy local produce to keep the earth livable for our children — not to ward off terrorists. Yet environmental stressors and political violence are connected in surprising ways, sparking questions about collective behavior. If more Americans knew how glacial melt contributes to catastrophic weather in Afghanistan — potentially strengthening the Taliban and imperiling Afghan girls who want to attend school — would we drive more hybrids and use millions fewer plastic bags? How would elections and legislation be influenced? RELATED: Weather Channel Founder Explains the History of the Global Warming Hoax As Campus Reform points out, neither Professor Strozier or the co-author of the article, Kelly A. Berkell, are climate scientists. Strozier is listed on the Huffington Post website as a “Professor of History,” while Berkell is listed as an Attorney and research associate, Center on Terrorism at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. RELATED: Another Prediction by Global Warming High Priest Al Gore Just Flopped It was well-put by Climate Depot that: “Climate change helping to create ISIS is now #49 on the “official list,” of stupid things global warming enthusiasts have blamed on their failed theory.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 23:42:38 +0000

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