GLORIFICATION REALITIES BISHOP SMD MATHABELA DAY 12 YOUR GENEALOGY MATTERS FOUNDATION SCRIPTURES: (2Timothy 1:2-6) (Psalms 37:25) (Ester 3:1) (1 Samuel 15:8-9) Children are the best mirror and prediction of tomorrow today. The values and standards that we teach our children, by mouth, lifestyle, or even by silence are shaping the future. What you think, say or do affects you and every other generation in your blood line first and then society. A blood line which has an irresponsible ancestor has more devils to fight with than that of the righteous ancestor. An ancestor is not really a spirit, but a participant in a genealogy. MAN LIVES IN THREE WORLDS, THE SPIRITUAL WORLD, THE SOUL WORLD AND THE NATURAL WORLD We have an ancestral inheritance in all these worlds, and in all of them it is possible to have a faulty foundation. The devil has demons designed to afflict you in your spirit, soul and body and they respect one another, very well they know how to pass you on like a relay buck between themselves (they have a mission to steal, kill and destroy in every platform in your life. FAULTY SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION If you are born to a wicked man, when you are born there are devils waiting to indwell you. Then you behave like your grandfather whom you never knew. You are predisposed to a spiritual disease. Maybe your spiritual parent has spiritually dangerous habits they will affect you. Always find a good prophet to serve under, it matters who you are serving under. Those who do not have church at all, are victims of spiritual rape all the time, they find themselves with spiritual diseases they do not even know where and when they got them. Listen to me stay in church, do not be everywhere. You need to be planted for an anointing to consistently work for you. An anointing you serve delivers and promotes you. FAULTY SOUL FOUNDATION Now they are people who are messed up in their will, mind and emotions. They have no will of their own, they do what they hate even when they do not want it. There are people with a blinded mind, they cannot even see when it is their time of visitation. Their emotions are so uncontrollable they will shoot you in anger and regret the next minute. These are signs of a faulty soul foundation. FAULTY BODY FOUNDATION There are devils of the blood, flesh and bone that are designed to destroy your life, some which have been taking turns killing your family blood line for generations. So there is nothing like inheriting a disease it is a devil you inherit, some possess them and say this is our family sickness, well from today call it what it is “ This is a devil we have accepted in our family to afflict and kill us from generation to generation” THE ANSWER TO GENEALOGY PROBLEMS When we come to Christ we must surrender completely, to God. We should refuse to embrace and nature and character from our earthly family that is not supported by Gods word. We have to make conscious decisions to come out of our traditions and cultures that are not in agreement with God’s word. CONFESSION: Father in the name of Jesus Christ I understand that every devil I tolerate in my generation will be a stronghold to my descendants, I receive grace and power to deal with all the devils of my generation in the name of Jesus Christ!
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 00:21:51 +0000

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