GLORIFY JESUS FOR WHAT HE HAS ACCOMPLISHED AT CALVARY TRUTH & DECEPTION - A MIXTURE DESIGNED TO CONFUSE US JESUS PAID GOD`S SENTENCE ON ADAM - GENESIS 2V16 THE WAGES OF SIN - IS DEATH (NOT ETERNAL TORTURE WHICH IS EVIL) JESUS SAID HE IS SAVIOUR OF ALL - HIS WORDS NOT OURS SATAN INFILTRATED THE CHURCH - WHY AND HOW THE WHORE & HARLOTS OF REVELATION 17 V 4 - PURPLE AND RED COLOURS- ROMANISM TEACHING OF FALSE DOCTRINES SINCE CONSTANTINE - 5TH CENTURY CONSTANTINE DESIRED TO CONTROL THE MASSES. When Constantine made Christianity the religion of the Roman empire, the power of love for all was replaced with military and political power. The Church became a tyrant. Those church leaders who embraced universalism were eliminated. The pagan concept of a Hell of eternal damnation was injected. I believe this was the primary reason the Western world went into the Dark Ages. The teaching of Hell perverted the minds of those in Church. The following quotes are from Christian leaders who used the pagan concept of Hell to keep the poor masses in subjection to power-hungry and often very evil political and religious men and women. The Church has often been a more effective means of enslaving the masses than military might. There are hundreds of thousands of other Church leaders throughout the centuries The Reverend C. H. Spurgeon (in his sermon Sermon on the Resurrection of the Dead) When thou diest, thy soul will be tormented alone; that will be a hell for it, but at the day of judgment they body will join they soul, and then thou wilt have twin hells, thy soul sweating drops of blood, and thy body suffused with agony. In fire exactly like that which we have on earth thy body will lie, asbestos-like, forever unconsumed, all they veins roads for the feet of pain to travel on, every nerve a string on which the devil shall forever play his diabolical tune of Hells Unutterable Lament. Sermon on the Resurrection of the Dead Bonhour “These unhappy children of wrath not only suffer during eternity, but they suffer eternity during each moment of their existence. Eternity is engraven on the flames which torment them…O tormenting thought! O miserable condition! To burn for ever! To weep for ever! To rage for ever!” Meditations, translated for English Roman Catholics John Foster 1843 “It is infinitely beyond the highest archangel’s faculty to apprehend a thousandth part of the horror of the doom to eternal damnation.” Night Thoughts by Young Father of Mercies! Why from silent earth didst thou awake and curse me into birth, tear me from quiet, banish me from night, and make a thankless present of Thy light, push into being a reverse of Thee and animate a clod with misery? (Quoted in The Bible Hell by J.W. Hanson, page 28) Reverend J. Furniss, C.S.S.R (in his book The Sight of Hell - A Catholic book for children) Little child, if you go to hell there will be a devil at your side to strike you. He will go on striking you every minute for ever and ever without stopping. The first stroke will make your body as bad as the body of Job, covered, from head to foot, with sores and ulcers. The second stroke will make your body twice as bad as the body of job. The third stroke will make your body three times as bad as the body of Job. The fourth stroke will make your body four times as bad as the body of Job. How, then, will your body be after the devil has been striking it every moment for a hundred million of years without stopping? Perhaps at this moment, seven oclock in he evening, a child is just going into hell. To‑morrow evening, at seven oclock, go and knock at the gates of hell and ask what the child is doing. The devils will go and look. They will come back again and say, the child is burning. Go in week and ask what the child is doing; you will get the same answer, it is burning; Go in a year and asks the same answer comes‑‑it is burning. Go in a million of years and ask the same question, the answer is just the same--it is burning. So, if you go for ever and ever, you will always get the same answer--it is burning in the fire.)‑‑ (Quoted from Christ Triumphant by Thomas Allin) Reverend J. Furniss, C.S.S.R The fifth dungeon is the red hot oven. The little child is in the red hot oven. Hear how it screams to come out; see how it turns and twists itself about in the fire. It beats its head against the roof of the oven. It stamps its little feet on the floor. The Sight of Hell) (Quoted from Christ Triumphant by Thomas Allin) Reverend E.B. Pusey, D.D. Gather in one, in your mind, an assembly of all those men and women, from whom, whether in history or in fiction, your memory most shrinks, gather in mind all that is loathsome, most revolting * * * conceive the fierce, fiery eyes of hate, spite, frenzied rage, ever fixed on thee, looking thee through and through with hate * * * hear those yells of blaspheming concentrated hate, as they echo along the lurid vault of hell; everyone hating everyone * * * Yet a fixedness in that state in which the hardened malignant sinner dies, involves, without any further retribution of God, this endless misery. (Quoted from Christ Triumphant by Thomas Allin) John Gill Ver. 49. For every one shall be salted with fire, &c.] That is, every one of those that transgress the law of God, offend any that believe in Christ, retain their sins, and sinful companions; every one of them that are cast into hell, where the worm of conscience is always gnawing, and the fire of divine wrath is always burning, with that fire every one of them shall be salted: that fire shall be to them, what salt is to flesh; as that keeps flesh from putrefaction and corruption, so the fire of hell, as it will burn, torture, and distress rebellious sinners, it will preserve them in their beings; they shall not be consumed by it, but continued in it: so that these words are a reason of the former, showing and proving, that the soul in torment shall never die, or lose any of its powers and faculties; and particularly, not its gnawing, torturing conscience; and that the fire of hell is inextinguishable; for though sinners will be inexpressibly tormented in it, they will not be consumed by it; but the smoke of their torments shall ascend for ever and ever; and that they will be so far from being annihilated by the fire of hell, that they shall be preserved in their beings in it, as flesh is preserved by salt. Expositor J.I. Packer and pity for hells occupants will not enter our hearts. J.I. Packer in article Hells Final Enigma in Christianity Today Magazine, April 22,2002. From the Catholic Encyclopedia V. POENA DAMNI The poena damni, or pain of loss, consists in the loss of the beatific vision and in so complete a separation of all the powers of the soul from God that it cannot find in Him even the least peace and rest. It is accompanied by the loss of all supernatural gifts, e.g. the loss of faith. The characters impressed by the sacraments alone remain to the greater confusion of the bearer. The pain of loss is not the mere absence of superior bliss, but it is also a most intense positive pain. The utter void of the soul made for the enjoyment of infinite truth and infinite goodness causes the reprobate immeasurable anguish. Their consciousness that God, on Whom they entirely depend, is their enemy forever is overwhelming. Their consciousness of having by their own deliberate folly forfeited the highest blessings for transitory and delusive pleasures humiliates and depresses them beyond measure. The desire for happiness inherent in their very nature, wholly unsatisfied and no longer able to find any compensation for the loss of God in delusive pleasure, renders them utterly miserable. Moreover, they are well aware that God is infinitely happy, and hence their hatred and their impotent desire to injure Him fills them with extreme bitterness. And the same is true with regard to their hatred of all the friends of God who enjoy the bliss of heaven. The pain of loss is the very core of eternal punishment. If the damned beheld God face to face, hell itself, notwithstanding its fire, would be a kind of heaven. Had they but some union with God even if not precisely the union of the beatific vision, hell would no longer be hell, but a kind of purgatory. And yet the pain of loss is but the natural consequence of that aversion from God which lies in the nature of every mortal sin. CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY What will it be like for a mother in heaven who sees her son burning in hell? She will glorify the justice of God. - Catholic Truth Society pamphlet from the late 1960s, part of a catechismal teaching [cited in an essay by the English poet, Stevie Smith, Some Impediments to Christian Commitment] How will you spend eternity -- Smoking or Nonsmoking? A sign in front of a church
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 12:36:58 +0000

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